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  Weekly Feature from the Knowledge Hub: Reasonable Adjustment

This week we feature the Reasonable Adjustment page from the Velg Training Knowledge Hub. Designed to educate, inspire and empower the VET community, the Knowledge Hub is member-only access and is rich with information, templates and resources.

  Independent Assessment Validation: Let's Start At The Beginning

Validation of assessment tools, processes and outcomes is an important element of quality assessment in VET. This latest research explores how RTOs conduct independent validation of assessment and what industry involvement they have in these processes.

  Things Just Got a Whole Lot Better

Great news of further support for the higher education and VET sectors plus the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment have endorsed the Government's Job-ready Graduates legislation creating more university places for Australian students.

  ASQA: Corporate Plan 2022 - 23 (2022)

The Corporate Plan sets out the ASQA program of work for the forward years, which is founded on strategic objectives and will support ASQA in achieving its purpose of ensuring quality vocational education and training (VET).

  VRQA: Annual declaration of compliance

Under Guideline 5 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, registered training organisations (RTOs) are required to complete an annual declaration of compliance and submit it to the VRQA by 1 April each year.

  The New TAE Is On Its Way!

Well, we've been waiting, providing all our feedback across a range of draft materials and finally, it is being uploaded to the national register of VET as we speak!

  Marine Biology for the Fisherfolks

Envirotech Education talks to Velg Training in the latest eZine publication, about how they are leading research, development, export, and delivery of the first Marine Habitat Conservation and Restoration VET Australian Accreditation Frameworks.

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