Get even more out of your National VET Conference experience by attending a Master Class. This year we have four exciting sessions exploring quality engagement, compliance, training and assessment planning and how to fall in love with work again. These workshops will be held before the event on Wednesday 13 September 2017.
With just 2 weeks left on the Early Bird Catches the Worm pricing, we are excited to release the details of who will be presenting at this year’s premier VET conference. With a line up like this, you don’t want to miss out!
Do you want to learn about, and understand, the purpose behind engaging with industry, why it is essential and what impact it has on your training and assessment strategies and practices? Take a short, sharp and effective learning boost with this VET Practitioner focused Velg2Go program, open for access today!
When it comes to competency-based assessment, there is no-one quite like John Dwyer. With his wealth of experience in VET surpassing that held by any other in the sector, every opportunity to learn from this incredibly knowledgeable man is golden!
This year's National VET Conference enables you to select areas of learning that are of value to YOU and your professional development experience. This week we take a look at some topics that enable you to consider the vocational learning needs and experiences undertaken by learners in schools ....
Using data from the Survey of Employer Use and Views of the VET System and other complementary sources, this report examines how employers have fared due to the COVID-19 pandemic and what this has meant for their current and future training requirements.
This publication provides a summary of data relating to students, programs, subjects and training providers in Australia’s government-funded vocational education and training (VET) system, defined as all Commonwealth and state/territory government-funded training delivered by technical and further education (TAFE) institutes, other government providers (such as universities), private providers and community education providers.
“Change is the only constant in life.” Without a doubt that is applicable to the VET sector. We’ve seen a number of changes in the last 10 years including change of government, change of standards, change to audit focus…the list goes on. What then are the top trends that we as a sector must be ready for in 2023?
Vocational Voices S8, Episode 2 - This episode explores potential reforms to universities, their missions, and structures, while considering the role of VET. One perspective suggests establishing two types of universities: one focused on practical, hands-on learning for professional skills, and the other dedicated to research and comprehensive education.
Recorded on 23/10/2019 as part of National VET PD Week, a Professional Conversation, when used appropriately in RPL, has the opportunity to gather ‘direct evidence’. It enables the candidate to identify how they have ‘applied’ their knowledge in a practical situation. So how do we accurately conduct and record the Professional Conversation? Find out in this webinar.
Recorded on 28/10/2020 and forming part of the National VET PD Week, this 90 minute session that includes an extra Q&A session looks at a number of concepts that should drive the design and implementation of an effective and efficient, user-friendly RPL process.