The Qualification Reform Design Group has now commenced the task set for it by Skills Ministers to provide advice about the design of a reform process for vocational education and training (VET) qualifications which prepares the sector for the future. Attached is the Design Group update for August 2023.
Recorded on the 14/10/2020, this 90-minute, highly interactive session, streams our VET Expert (John Dwyer) directly to you! Unpack the most critical components of marking guides and their importance as part of an assessment tool in this session.
Recorded on 26/10/2020 and forming part of the National VET PD Week, this 90 minute session that includes an extra Q&A session unpacks the importance of the design of Training and Assessment Strategies and Industry consultation to ensure the TAS takes into account of a range of informing factors.
Recorded on 18/11/2021 and forming part of Velg Training's National VET PD this webinar looked at validation and what can we learn? It highlighted the fundamental purpose of validation and how you can apply meaningful practices to your validation events.
Skills Service Organisation (SSO), Australian Industry Standards (AIS), has partnered with RMIT University to identify workforce digital skills requirements and examine the capacity of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector to effectively meet the growing demand for digital skillsets. AIS invites stakeholders in the public safety, corrections, transport and logistics, aviation, rail and maritime industries to take part in a short, ten-minute survey to assist with this research.
As part of the 2017–18 Budget, the Australian Government announced funding of $24 million for 1200 Rural and Regional Enterprise Scholarships that will support regional and remote people wishing to undertake Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) qualifications in higher education and Vocational Education and Training (VET). The Department of Education and Training is now seeking feedback from stakeholders on its draft of the ‘Rural and Regional Enterprise Scholarships: Program Guidelines’. Submissions can be made until Friday 16 June 2017.
ReadyTech's VETtrak Cloud redefines student management for the next generation, integrating 25 years of industry expertise and cutting-edge cloud technology. Purpose-built for VET, it combines VETtrak's features with advanced cloud capabilities, excelling in compliance, national AVETMISS, and funding requirements. With a modern interface and security backed by AWS, the platform not only streamlines recruitment but guarantees an intuitive and secure trainer, administrator and student experience.
The 2017 National Skills Week will be held from Monday August 28 to Sunday 3 September. This year’s theme, ‘More Than You Know’, focuses on shifting pre-conceived ideas and raising the status of Vocational Education and Training (VET). Help showcase the many benefits of learning a skill or trade by holding your own National Skills Week event to promote qualifications, highlight career opportunities, engage the public, and stimulate career conversations!
On Friday 26 May 2017, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) will begin conducting the National Student Outcomes Survey: Australia’s largest survey of Vocational Education and Training (VET) students. This year the survey is expanding to include subject completers and graduates who either paid for their training themselves or whose employer funded their training. NCVER is expected to contact half a million students who completed training in 2016.