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TAC: TAC Talk - Ep14 - Marketing and Advertising

This episode provides further information on Standards 4 and 5 of the Standards for RTOs, which require RTOs to provide accurate and accessible information about themselves, their services, and their performance and that RTOs ensure that each prospective and current learner is properly informed.

ASQA Spotlight Series 2: Assessment Validation

ASQA link to Spotlight Series 2: Assessment Validation which focuses on how to conduct assessment validation and the importance and benefits to your training.

Webinar Recording: Positive Learning Behaviours Creating Remarkable Learning Communities

Recorded on 21/08/2024 this session looked at creating communities where students and educators are safe is the first step to learning. Effectively managing challenging behaviour is tricky: in fact, it is a challenge we have all experienced! The session to combine our wisdom and trial some effective new approaches.

ASQA: Spotlight On Assessment, Chapter 4 – Supporting students through assessment

ASQA link to Spotlight On Assessment, Chapter 4 – Supporting students through assessment which shares tips for ensuring students are at the centre of the assessment process

Foundation Skills Discussion Paper (2023)

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) is leading the development of a new national study on adult literacy, numeracy, and digital skills. To assist with this study a discussion paper has been developed and is now open for comment.

Workforce Planning Connect

Workforce Planning Connect is a suite of materials designed to support employers access the skills and workforce they need.

Information Security Manual (ISM) (2023)

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) produces the Information Security Manual (ISM). The purpose of the ISM is to outline a cyber security framework that an organisation can apply, using their risk management framework, to protect their systems and data from cyber threats.

Velg Training Student Code of Conduct form

This product is a simple to use form that students sign to agree to your RTO's Code of Conduct.

Blend4VET: Exploring Blended Learning Approaches for VET (2018)

European resource: The main aim for Blend4VET is to pilot a blended learning model to effectively integrate technology into an existing course to enhance the teaching and learning experience for teachers and learners. This will allow colleges the opportunity to offer courses that better meet the needs and demands of their learners and employers.

VET Student Outcomes - Top 100 courses (2023)

The VET Student Outcomes - Top 100 Courses report which provides valuable insights into student outcomes across a range of measures.

Webinar Recording: Providing Effective Assessment Feedback

Recorded on the 23 March 2022 this session explored the importance of giving effective assessment feedback and unpacks what that actually looks like.

Australian Government: Jobs and Skills Australia discussion paper (2023)

The discussion paper shares an update on what is being proposed for Jobs and Skills Australia’s ongoing arrangements and seeks your view on how JSA can work with stakeholders to provide the evidence and analysis needed to ensure Australia has a skilled workforce now and in the future.

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