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Australian Government: VET transcripts – information for training organisations

VET transcripts collate all of a student’s training information reported to National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) since 1 January 2015.

ASQA Webinar - ASQA webinar on initial application for RTOs and CRICOS

Presented by ASQA's Jane Holt, Manager of Regulatory Operations, Darwin who provides information to those providers who wish to apply for initial registration as an RTO or a CRICOS provider. Broadcast Youtube - 10/12/19

Evaluating machine learning for projecting completion rates for VET programs (2023)

This paper summarises exploratory analysis undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of using machine learning approaches to calculate projected completion rates for vocational education and training (VET) programs, and compares this with the current approach used at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) — Markov chains methodology.

NCVER: Nationally agreed nominal hours

These nationally agreed hours data have been agreed to by all States and Territories for use in national reporting of VET data only. NCVER sources the nominal hours externally or via state and territory submissions to the National VET Provider Collection.

Assessing Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances (2023)

Sometimes, an international student's study journey in Australia doesn’t go to plan. When that happens, international students may ask their education providers to treat their circumstances as ‘compassionate or compelling’.

Duty Statement – Trainer and Assessor example template

An example of a duty statement for a qualified trainer and assessor who may also be a supervisor of a non-qualified assessor

Product: Framework for Assessment Marking Guide

Provided by RTO Training Tools Australia, this 28 page document gives you a framework for developing an Assessment Marking Guide template.

TAC: TAC Talk - Ep5 - Identifying and Meeting Learner Needs

This podcast unpacks the requirements in Clauses 1.1, 1.2 and 1.7, Standard 4 and Clauses 5.1 and 5.2b of the Standards for RTOs and provides insights on strategies RTOs can adopt to support and meet individual learner needs.

Government of South Australia: VET for school students - repositioning VET within secondary education (2019)

The release of this Vocational Education and Training for School Students policy marks a significant step towards repositioning VET as an equally valued and prestigious pathway option alongside university education.

Delivery model for higher apprenticeships (2023)

Employers are realising that qualifications once regarded as only for tradespeople, today’s higher apprenticeships or degree apprenticeships, can offer mid-tier para-professional workers access to skills without forcing them to choose between retraining and income.

International onshore VET qualification completer outcomes 2022 (2023)

International onshore VET qualification completer outcomes 2022 provides a summary of the outcomes of international students who completed their vocational education and training (VET) qualification in Australia in 2021. These students were surveyed as an additional component to the 2022 National Student Outcomes Survey.

Australian Government: VET self-assessment tool for schools (2023)

The VET self-assessment tool helps schools plan, implement and review vocational education and training (VET) programs that offer nationally recognised qualifications from industry-developed training packages or accredited courses.

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