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NVPDW: Using Nudge Theory to Overcome Barriers to Student Participation & Engagement

9 October 2023
ONLINE via Zoom Webinar

Session Overview

This webinar that forms part of our 2023 National VET PD Week is back due to popular demand! Achieving an average score of 4.4/5 stars, our extremely popular presenter Tony Kirton will share his insights into using behavioural economics to influence student engagement.

Feedback from attendees of this webinar:

  • 'Great information and really liked how it was linked to examples'
  • 'Tony made me think outside the box about engaging learners and how to learn their behaviors'
  • 'Provided some really interesting ways to view encouraging participation'
  • ' Very practical ideas married with research that can be immediately applied in my job role'

About this webinar:

How can students be encouraged to engage and participate to successfully complete VET Courses? They may need a ‘nudge’!

Feedback from Velg Training webinar attendees identified that many trainers and assessors are looking for more PD in the area of ‘breaking through the barriers that students put up’. After surveying trainers and assessors from around the country, Tony Kirton has developed a brand-new webinar aimed at helping you with strategies to ‘break through’ some of the obstacles to progression, engagement and participation. 

As trainers and assessors, we recognise students failing to complete or make on-time assessment submissions, attend classes, complete learning activities or engage with the course content. The result of these failures often leads to sub-optimal educational outcomes.  Overcoming these issues can be difficult for students and educators alike, but with a subtle ‘nudge’ students can be influenced to make behavioural changes that can make a difference to their learning.  

Originating from behavioural economics, Nudge Theory explains how subtle changes in an environment can be used to change people's behaviour and decision-making. With Nudge Theory used in many commercial and public policy settings for years, we are all ‘nudged’ as we go about our lives, often without knowing it. While research on the application of Nudge Theory in education is still emerging, there is much we can learn from the research that has been conducted as well as examples of successful ‘nudges’ in other sectors.

Key topics covered in this webinar

Throughout this webinar we will explore some of the existing research on Nudge Theory in educational settings as well as how ‘nudges’ applied in other sectors could theoretically be applied to education. 

Attendees will be provided with examples that we hope will encourage you to design ‘nudges’ to address student barriers specific to your RTO.  

Together we will explore: 

  • Existing examples of Nudge Theory applied in educational settings. 

  • Examples of ‘nudges’ that you could use based on results from other sectors and settings. 

  • A framework for thinking through and designing ‘nudges’ that can be applied to your students or in your RTO.   

Content note: We want to make sure this webinar is right for you, and that you know what to expect. Please note:

  • Examples in this webinar will centre around overcoming the identified top-two key barriers (late assessment submissions, and lack of participation in a classroom setting) 

  •  Some examples provided in this webinar will be low cost and easy for trainers and assessors to apply in their practice. Others will require more investment of time and effort and possibly systemic changes at an RTO level.  

  • Nudge Theory is not an educational theory. It relates to techniques that can influence a person’s behaviour while maintaining their choice.  

  • This webinar is intended for trainers, assessors and RTO operators who are interested in designing frameworks and implementing strategies that can influence student decisions and participation. 

NB. Can't make the session?
We send out all electronic resources to registrants within 48 hours of the session closure. All Velg Training Webinars are scheduled in AEST (QLD time) - please check your timezone before logging onto the online training session.

Date & Time

Monday 9th October 2023
11:00am - 12:30pm (AEST: QLD)

Other timezones:
12:00pm - 1:30pm (AEDT: NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS)
11:30am - 1:00pm (ACDT: SA)
10:30am - 12:00pm (ACST: NT)
9:00am - 10:30am (AWST: WA)

Who should attend

RTO operators who are interested in designing frameworks and implementing strategies that can influence student decisions and participation.:

  • Trainers/Assessors 
  • L&D Managers 
  • Curriculum Developers 
  • Training Managers
  •  Resource Developers

What to expect

Presented by Tony Kirton, you will be provided with the following resources after the event:

  • PowerPoint (in PDF format)
  • Recording of the webinar (three months access)
  • Additional electronic resource 
  • Electronic Statement of Attendance

Our National VET PD week Webinars are proudly sponsored by Cloud Assess who would love to contact you post-event. If you do not wish to be contacted by Learning Lounge, pleaseOPT-OUT HERE


Tony Kirton


Tony Kirton is a facilitator and instructional designer with more than a 15 years’ experience in organisational learning and development and VET education.

Known for his engaging and evidence-based approach to online and face to face learning, Tony delivers workshops, webinars and conference presentations with a wide range of public and private sector organisations.

As a facilitator, Tony primarily teaches educators and trainers how to design and deliver engaging and meaningful learning. In the past two years Tony has spent most of his facilitation time working with trainers, managers and senior leaders to improve their facilitation and presentation skills.

As an instructional designer, Tony has overseen and personally designed hundreds of training programs and more than one thousand assessment resources from more than 30 different vocational qualifications.

He holds a Master in Business and Commerce (spec. HR & IR) and two Diplomas in Vocational Training and Learning Design.

Continuing his passion for the education sector, Tony currently sits on the Board of Directors at a Rudolf Steiner School located in the Northeast of NSW.

Connect with Tony via:





Opportunities to interact

  • Use a microphone to speak with trainer/attendees (Not available in all Webinars)
  • Raise your 'virtual hand' to engage in discussion
  • Share your thoughts via online chat window
  • Answer online polls that provide instant group feedback

NB. If you would like to send chat questions to the presenter Tony Kirton before the session, please email

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