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Member's Support Hub Webinar: RTO/Compliance Managers

29 September 2023
Online via Zoom Webinar

The Velg Training Member's Support Hub combines free, live webinars presented by our VET Expert every quarter
with an ongoing LinkedIn group for our Members exclusively.

Modelled informally on the community of practice concept, we want to provide a relatively unstructured platform to help you find, think about, and improve your ideas, tools, and practices; share your thoughts and experiences; and encourage ongoing discussion about shared ideas and issues.

Are you confused about all the reporting of AI tools used in assessment?
Do you want to better understand what’s really going on and how to manage the reported risk?

Join David Garner on September 29, 2023, for our second Member's Support Hub webinar,
where you will explore the world of ‘AI’ and Large Language Models such as Chat-GPT, LLaMA, PaLM and Azure AI.

Many practitioners who hold management positions in a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), are concerned about the challenges of understanding what Artificial Intelligence is, how it may be used by learners and what we should be doing to deal with the impact of this emerging technology.

Our members-only Compliance Chats have highlighted a range of common challenges that members have faced.

Some members were looking for solutions on how to deal with the use of models by learners in completing written assessment tasks. Others just want to understand what the fuss is all about.

This session is designed to focus on : 

  • What is ‘AI’ anyway and what is a Large Language Model?

  • How can these tools be used by learners?

  • What should our RTO be doing to understand, detect and respond to use of these tools?

You can also help shape the focus of this session!

If you have a query about transition - please submit your Question on Notice here before Friday 22nd September 2023.

Join our private LinkedIn group!

Build connections with other like-minded professionals by joining our Velg Training Member's Support Hub LinkedIn group for RTO/Compliance Managers.

Date and Time

Friday 29th September 2023
2:00pm - 3.00pm (AEST: QLD)

Other timezones:
2:00pm - 3:00pm (AEST: NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS)
1:30pm - 2:30pm (ACST: SA)
1:30pm - 2:30pm (ACST: NT)
12:00pm - 1:00pm (AWST: WA)

Who should attend

Anyone who holds a management position in an RTO:

  • CEO
  • RTO Manager
  • Compliance Manager
  • Training Manager
  • Administration Manager
  • Operational Manager
  • Head of Department/Division

What to expect

These webinars are designed to be an informal  information sharing activity where you will interact during the Zoom Webinar via live polls, raising your virtual hand, and contributing to the chat.

The private LinkedIn group is the platform we've designed to allow you to share your thoughts, ideas and participate in discussions with other professionals like you. It is a place where people understand your everyday concerns, celebrations, and challenges.


David Garner


David Garner is the Principal Consultant at [consult dg] and provides advice, development and research to the VET sector. He has worked in a variety of compliance related roles for over 15 years.

Most recently, as the General Manager Regulatory Operations for the Australian Skills Quality Authority, David was responsible for implementing ASQA’s regulatory strategy nationally, including monitoring compliance of both training providers, and intending providers, against the VET Quality Framework and Educational Services for Overseas Students Act.

David was also Director, Training Quality, in the Queensland Department of Education and Training. Prior to joining the Queensland department in 2005, David worked in and managed training providers for many years. David has been active in sports administration for over 30 years and sat for many years on the board of the Queensland Fitness, Sport and Recreation Skills Alliance.

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