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ASQA: Strategic review of online learning - final report (2023)

The Strategic Review of Online Learning in the VET sector is identified as a regulatory risk priority in ASQA’s Regulatory Strategy 2020-22 and in the 2021-22 Regulatory Risk Priorities. ASQA uses a risk-based approach to determine the most significant risks to achieving ASQA’s purpose, which is to ensure quality VET and the integrity of national qualifications issued by training providers.

Ai Group: Webinar - Skills Standards and VET qualifications (2022)

This webinar discusses the proposed reforms and addressed other questions related to the topic.

Australian Government: Qualifications Reforms

Australian, state and territory governments are working together to develop a new model for VET training products, including qualifications and skill sets, to ensure they are relevant to labour market needs.

ACER: Fitting the AQF for the future: Revising the AQF architecture and taxonomy (2022)

ACER has been contracted by the Australian Government Department of Education to explore potential revisions to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) based on recommendations of the AQF Review, which was conducted in 2019. The slides attached form the ‘consultation pack’ that have guided the discussions in relation to this project.

Australian Government: Draft RTO Standards Consultation Paper (2022)

The consultation paper outlines the approach to revising the Standards for RTOs and provides an overview of the key changes.

Australian Government: Review of the Australian Core Skills Framework and Digital Literacy Skills Framework and relevant assessment tools Final Report (2022)

This is the final report of a project commissioned by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the Department) to review the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and Digital Literacy Skills Framework (DLSF) and tools available to support assessment using these frameworks.

Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework Final Report 2019

Australian Government Department of Education publication that reports the outcomes of the review of the AQF

Australian Government: VET self-assessment tool for schools (2023)

The VET self-assessment tool helps schools plan, implement and review vocational education and training (VET) programs that offer nationally recognised qualifications from industry-developed training packages or accredited courses.

ITECA: Jobs & Skills Australia Discussion Paper Response (2023)

ITECA was invited by the Australian Government to provide advice on an issues paper that canvassed the role and governance of JSA. In response, the ITECA membership provide a detailed response that included recommendations that would ensure that JSA is fully engaged with independent RTOs and operates in with full accountability to stakeholders.

TEQSA: Academic integrity toolkit (2022)

TEQSA commissioned a group of scholars to share research, develop and deliver a suite of workshops and create a toolkit to assist integrity practitioners in promoting academic integrity and addressing commercial academic cheating within their institutions.

Innovating technical and vocational education and training (2020)

This practical guide provides a systematic, institution-wide, measurable and evidence-based methodology that enables TVET institutions to streamline innovation into their strategic planning, products and services, ecosystem engagement, and teaching and learning processes.


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