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TAC: TAC Talk - Ep14 - Marketing and Advertising

This episode provides further information on Standards 4 and 5 of the Standards for RTOs, which require RTOs to provide accurate and accessible information about themselves, their services, and their performance and that RTOs ensure that each prospective and current learner is properly informed.

TAC: TAC Talk - Ep13 - Equivalence and Awarding Credit

This episode navigates the complex topic of equivalence in the VET environment, including how it applies to awarding credit.

VET Workforce Blueprint Scope (2023)

The scope of the VET Workforce Blueprint.

Australian Industry Outlook for 2024 (2024)

This year, over 300 senior leaders from Australian industry responded to our CEO Expectations Survey. This report, based upon their responses, provides critical insights into how industry leaders anticipate the coming year will evolve.

Supporting responsible AI: discussion paper (2024)

This discussion paper focuses on governance mechanisms to ensure AI is developed and used safely and responsibly in Australia. These mechanisms can include regulations, standards, tools, frameworks, principles and business practices.

Pre-paid Fee Protection Policy example template

A template example of a policy that could be used for pre-paid fee protection

ACS Australia’s Digital Pulse 2023 (2023)

This report from Deloitte Access Economics and the Australian Computer Society highlights the extensive and rapid impact of critical technologies in Australia. In this period of disruptive change, ensuring that Australia builds the skills to harness the potential of these technologies will be crucial to the countries prosperity.

Skills for a cleaner future: Building the workforce for a clean economy (2024)

This research explores how everyday Australian businesses are experiencing the transition to a clean economy.

2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission - Education and Training (2024)

In this submission, Ai Group details the key areas in which deep work still needed in order to embed a tertiary education and training sector that allows Australia to achieve its human capital potential.

Webinar Recording: Empowering Adults for Powerful Learning: Andragogy in Action

Recorded on 22/11/2023 this webinar invited you to explore the concept of Andragogy, the art and science of adult learning and its historical journey.

Webinar Recording: Integrating Reflective Activities to Provide Focus for your Learners and Enhance their Well Being

Recorded on 6/12/2023 this webinar guided attendees on how to integrate reflective activities into your teaching practices, supporting your learners with their focus and stress management.

Australian Labour Market for Migrants report (2024)

The Australian Labour Market for Migrants report provides information on Australian labour market conditions. It is intended to inform people interested in working in Australia on a temporary or permanent basis, and to organisations providing services to migrants and visa applicants.

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