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Australian Government: Vocational education and training in regional, rural and remote Australia (2023)

This report examines the provision of – and access to – vocational education and training (VET) in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia. It fulfills one aspect of Jobs and Skills Australia’s functions in relation to providing advice on issues relating to skills and training, and workforce needs, in regional, rural and remote Australia.

IBSA: Assessment Instrument Competency Mapping Template (Appendix 3 from TAEASS401B)

Innovation Business Skills Australia (IBSA) basic template to map assessment instruments to units of competency

ASQA: VET registration

ASQA website link to information on how to apply for and manage VET registration.

ASQA: FAQs Fees paid in advance

Australian Skills Quality Authority link to FAQs relating to fees paid in advance

ASQA: FAQs Financial Viability

Australian Skills Quality Authority link to FAQs relating to financial viability

ASQA: Course Accreditation

This section explains how to apply to have a course accredited and how to manage accredited courses.

Jobs & Skills WA contracted providers: Overview of programs

Private training providers are invited to apply to receive WA Government funding to deliver identified priority vocational education and training programs in Western Australia.

Focus on compliance - Spotlight On

ASQA has developed three 'Spotlight On Series' to better understand what it take to deliver career changing VET outcomes.

Webinar Recording: Design of Training & Assessment Strategies & Industry Consultation

Recorded on 19/03/2020 and forming part of Velg Training's Focus Week on Design, this webinar unpacked the importance of the design of Training and Assessment Strategies and Industry consultation to ensure the TAS takes into account of a range of informing factors.

Australian Apprenticeships

Australian Government website link to Australian Apprenticeships

WorldSkills Australia

Website link to WorldSkills Australia home page

Building Training Excellence: Monitoring Quality Data Over Time

ACER's website link to a guide to monitoring results from your learner and employer surveys over time (under AQTF 2007)

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