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Webinar Recording: LLN Testing - Keeping it simple and getting it right

Recorded on 24/10/2019 as part of National VET PD Week, this webinar explored LLN testing and how the ACSF provides a structure for the identification of LLN needs, and to contextualise learning and assessment materials to ensure underpinning competencies are demonstrated.

ASQA: Self assessment tool for RTOs

ASQA have provided a self-assessment tool for RTO's, aligning with the five phases of the student centred audit approach, to use as part of their Quality Assurance process and in support of continuous improvement.

Policy Draft - Outcome Standards

The Policy Draft - Outcome Standards were released on 1 October 2024, with their final agreement sought to enact the revised Standards for RTOs from Skills Ministers in late 2024.

Ai Group: Australian CEO Expectations for 2023

Now in its tenth year, Ai Group’s annual Australian CEO Survey provides critical insights into business experiences over the past year, and how business leaders expect the coming year to evolve.

TAC: TAC Talk - Ep5 - Identifying and Meeting Learner Needs

This podcast unpacks the requirements in Clauses 1.1, 1.2 and 1.7, Standard 4 and Clauses 5.1 and 5.2b of the Standards for RTOs and provides insights on strategies RTOs can adopt to support and meet individual learner needs.

Vocational Voices

'Vocational Voices', the official podcast of the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Listen to leading experts discuss current trends in vocational education and training. Listen, follow and subscribe via your favourite podcast apps.

Webinar Recording: EEEK! My Training Package Has Been Updated!

Recorded on the 20/09/2021 this 90-minute webinar looked at Training Package changes that affect students enrolment and progression. It was designed to help you adapt and change in the ever evolving world of Training Packages.

ASQA: asqanet

ASQA website link to asqanet, the online web portal for managing registration, applications and fee payment for RTOs and CRICOS providers.

VRQA: New Guidelines for VET Providers (2024)

On 4 April 2024, the VRQA Board approved changes to our Guidelines for VET Providers. This ensures consistency with national standards for VRQA-registered training organisations (RTOs).

Apprenticeship Support Australia

Apprenticeship Support Australia was formed in 2014 to deliver the Australian Governments "Australian Apprenticeship Support Network" under a contract from the Department of Education and Training. Services are focused on lifting apprenticeship commencement and completion rates through the provision of support at every stage of the employment cycle.

Student Learning Experience - Survey Form

A Student Survey comprising of 20 ranking questions based on the student's learning experience that enable the school RTO to make informed decisions for continuous improvement year on year.

Webinar Recording: How Does a Unit of Competency Really Work?

Recorded on 15/4/2024. This webinar explored the fundamental components of a unit of competency to remind us about the way we should really look at a unit.

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