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ASQA - Complaints

ASQA link to information about complaints

World Economic Forum - Publications (site link)

Link to World Economic Forum publications.

VET Qualification Similarity Analysis (2023)

Methodology Report & Tool: More than 1300 VET training package qualifications have been analysed using natural language processing techniques to identify similarities between them. The outputs of the model are available in a new searchable dashboard, the Exploratory Analysis of VET Qualification Similarity.

Product: Assessment Template Bundle

This bundle includes a range of templates relevant to assessment to assist RTOs in developing their own compliant assessment materials.

DTWD WA: WA Nominal Hours Guides

DTWD website link to information about nominal hours in WA (to assist in determining applicable training plans)

ASQA: Self-assurance

ASQA link to material for training providers to co-design a model for self-assurance

Accord Report - International Comparison of Tertiary Education Systems (2024)

This report reviewed high performing tertiary systems from Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Korea, Singapore and New Zealand and compared these systems to Australia, and investigated tertiary governance structures and considerations as they relate to the interaction between VET and higher education sectors.

State Government of Victoria: Making reasonable adjustments

Link to website information about reasonable adjustment.

ADCET: Disability Specific Adjustments: Mental Health Condition

ADCET link to resources on mental health.

Mandala Partners: Reports (site link)

Link to Mandala Partners reports.

ADCET: Dyslexia Resource Guide

This resource aims to assist practitioners working in Disability Services within the tertiary sector who are responsible for planning and implementing reasonable adjustments for students with dyslexia, including assistive technology.

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