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TAC Talks Shorts Ep 17 - Fraudulent Certificates

This 6-minute episode tackles a critical issue: fake certificates and their threat to your RTO's standing. It offers practical insights on enhancing certificate security and verifying incoming credentials, safeguarding your RTO and the entire VET sector.

Building effective RTO-employer partnerships: good practice guide (2023)

Based on case studies of RTO-employer partnerships that varied in terms of employer size, RTO type and industry, this good practice guide provides insights into effective strategies for RTOs that foster the development of quality partnerships with employers. A companion research report provides discussion and further insights related to the drivers, benefits and challenges of RTO-employer partnerships.

ASQA: Publication of compliance guidance materials

ASQA recently developed the linked guidance material to support providers in meeting their compliance obligations after they’ve been found non‑compliant at a performance assessment (audit) or monitoring activity.

WA School Curriculum and Standards Authority: All About VET

WA Government website link to information about VET in schools

Work Skills Traineeships

Qld Government website link to information about Work Skills Traineeships

ASQA: VET registration

ASQA website link to information about VET registration

Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) funding

Qld Government website link to information about VETiS funding

AQF Qualifications

AQF website link to information about AQF qualifications types.

ASQA: FAQs Industry relevance

ASQA website link to frequently asked questions about industry relevance

ASQA: Webinar - third party arrangements

ASQA link to Webinar - third party arrangements. Broadcast: November 2019

TAC: Professional Development Recordings and Resources

TAC link to Professional Development Recordings and Resources.

WA Government: Recognition of Prior Learning

DTWD website link to information about RPL

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