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ASQA: Reminder when choosing a training provider

A reminder from ASQA to check as the National Register on VET in Australia for registered providers and training products.

International Provider - Tuition Protection Service (TPS)

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) assists international students on student visas whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study.

LLND Collection

This collection brings together current and historical publications and resources to support research and practice in the language, literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy/skills (LLND) community.

TAC WEBINAR: Fit and Proper Person Requirements for TAC Regulated RTOs Webinar

This webinar will cover the steps involved in TAC assessing Fit and Proper Person Declarations, who needs to submit a declaration, and ongoing compliance with 7.1.

ASQA: Sector alert: Provider responsibilities when using education agents

Providers delivering to overseas students are reminded of their obligations in monitoring the performance of education agents and ensuring that international students are genuine and engaged with learning.

Reskilling Revolution: Preparing 1 billion people for tomorrow’s economy (2024)

In the next five years, 23% of global jobs will change due to industry transformation, including through artificial intelligence and other text, image and voice processing technologies.

Beyond Traditional Pathways: Leveraging Generative AI for Dynamic Career Planning in Vocational Education (2024)

This paper investigates the transformative impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) on vocational education career planning, transitioning from traditional methodologies to personalized, dynamic strategies.

ASQA: RTO & ESOS Provider checklists: key dates and obligations

The RTO and ESOS checklists help you identify key dates and stay on top of your reporting obligations to remain compliant.

Velg Training RPL Kit

A full suite of helpful, intuitive RPL tools designed to support the development and application of your RPL instruments and process.

Webinar Recording: Developing Quality Clustered Assessment

Recorded on 11/11/2020 this extremely popular webinar had been designed to address your feedback. David Garner explored the benefits (and risks) of clustering assessment.

2023 Student Experience Survey (2024)

In 2023, 253,588 students responded to the Student Experience Survey, representing a 37.5 per cent response rate, across a total of 142 Australian higher education institutions.

Complaints: Good Practice Guide for Public Sector Agencies September 2016

This guide aims to help you and your agency handle complaints well. It outlines the guiding principles and practical steps involved in the three key stages of good complaint handling.

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