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NCVER: Podcast - Overcoming VET delivery challenges in regional Australia (2023)

Vocational Voices S8, episode 1 - Steve Davis interviews Joanne Payne, Managing Director, Central Regional TAFE in WA, Tabatha Griffin, Senior Research Officer, NCVER and Simon Walker, Managing Director, NCVER about these challenges and the need for diverse and flexible training approaches to better meet the needs of people in regional areas.

Webinar Recording: TAE PD Week - Enhancing How You Plan, Organise and Deliver Group-based Training

Recorded on 3/12/2020 and forming part of the TAE PD Week, this webinar examines 17 ways to enhance how you plan, organise and deliver group-based training.

Webinar Recording Series: Essentials for Re-Registration: Plan, Prepare and Perform

Recorded in Feb/March of 2020. This webinar series examined how to plan, prepare and implement a successful and smooth re-registration process for the whole team. Join Kevin Ekendahl our leading expert in Re-registration from Audit Express.

Vocational Education and Training for Secondary Students

Link to information about VET in Schools.

Appeals Register example template

A simple register template to log assessment appeals

Complaints Register example template

A simple register template to log formal complaints

Reasonable Adjustment – information for learners

Trans Train - example of information to learners about reasonable adjustment

School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships in NSW (SBAT)

NSW Government website link to information about SBATs

TAC: Application Forms

TAC website link to application forms for registration and accreditation

VRQA: Information about VET Course Accreditation

VRQA website link to information about VET Course Accreditation

ASQA FAQs Fees paid in advance

ASQA website link to FAQs regarding fees paid in advance

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