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NCVER: AVETMISS for VET providers

NCVER website link to information for VET providers on AVETMISS

Resource Mapping example template 1

A template example that maps resource requirements to unit requirements

TAS Government: Skills Recognition

Skills Tasmania website link to information about RPL

Smart and Skilled information for Training providers

NSW Government website link to information about Smart and Skilled

Information for VET Service Providers

Skills Tasmania website link to information for VET Service Providers

VIC Government: Recognition of Prior Learning

Victorian Skills Gateway website link to information about RPL


FAQs in relation to VET in Schools under QCAA


ASQA has a range of FAQs to help RTOs.

ASQA: FAQs – Industry Relevance

ASQA website link to FAQs about industry relevance

VRQA: Vocational Education and Training Registration

VRQA website link to information for RTOs about registration

TAC: Registration Information

TAC website link to information for RTOs about registration

ASQA: FAQs - Learner Support

ASQA website link to Frequently asked questions about learner support

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