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VRQA: Annual Declaration of Compliance

Victorian Registration Qualifications Authority link to Annual Declaration of Compliance information and form

Information for VET Student Loans students

Link to information about VET Student Loans students, including: application, eligibility, managing loans and obligations.

AHRC: Disability Discrimination - Action plans and action plan guides

Australian Human Rights Commission Action website link to disability discrimination action plans and action plan guides.

QLD Government: Department of Employment, Small Business and Training

Department of Employment, Small Business and Training website link to information about funding and subsidies and VET services.

Velg Training Queensland School RTO Annual Checklist

A descriptive checklist of essential ‘to do’ items for both RTO Managers and VET Teachers working within Queensland School RTOs.


Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) answers to frequently asked questions about RPL 2014

ADCET: Identifying Student Requirements and Making Reasonable Adjustments

ADCET website link to information about identifying and making reasonable adjustments

User Choice information for RTOs

Skills Tasmania website link to information for RTOs about User Choice

Copyright Agency: Educational Licences

Website link to information about copying and sharing text and images

WA Government: Department of Training and Workforce Development

WA Government website link to information about funding and subsidies and VET services.

VOCEDplus: VET Practitioner Resource – Foundation Skills

VOCEDplus link to a mix of free and for purchase materials on foundation skills.

TAC: Fact Sheet - RTO Complaints and Appeals

Training Accreditation Council link to Fact Sheet on RTO Complaints and Appeals

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