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Timeline of Australian VET policy initiatives 1998-2021

This resource helps understand the scale of change and the individual policies, programs or initiatives that have shaped VET at both the national and state and territory level. The resource includes economic events that may have influenced enrolments and completions of VET courses, apprenticeships and traineeships.

Training Package Products Policy 2012

NSSC publication - The Training Package Products Policy 2012

VelgCast: Rules of Evidence

A general overview of the Rules of Evidence

TAC: Fact Sheet – Amount of Training

TAC Fact Sheet about the amount of training

Spiky Profile Graph (.xls)

This template assists RTOs when analysing language, literacy and numeracy levels of students in line with the requirements of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)

Skills Guarantee Procurement Connected Policy (2024)

The Skills Guarantee PCP provides high-level instructions for relevant parties engaging in Commonwealth procurements in the construction and ICT sectors.

Department of Education: Organisation Chart

Organisation Chart for the Department of Education.

Australian Government: Language literacy and numeracy (LLN) assessment tool information

As a requirement of the student entry procedure, students may have to undertake a Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment. There are approved LLN assessment tools and advice for providers seeking approval of a verified and evaluated LLN assessment tool for specific provider use.

Skilling South Australia for RTOs

Government of SA Skills & Employment website link to information what Skilling South Australia means for training providers

NCVER: Cultural dimensions of Indigenous participation in vocational education and training: new perspectives (2013)

NCVER link to Report into Indigenous Australians' association with their traditional culture and their engagement with vocational education and training

Velg Training Validation Resources

This product contains templates to assist with undertaking effective and systematic validation of nationally recognised training and assessment.

Australian Government Unique Student Identifier

Australian Government website for the USI

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