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SA Government: Skills SA

SA Department - Skilled Careers: website link to information about subsidised training.

National Skills Agreement Overview (2023)

Summary of the National Skills Agreement

Spiky Profile Graph

This template assists RTOs when analysing the language, literacy and numeracy levels of students in line with the requirements of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)

ESOS Supplementary Courses Fact Sheet (2021)

The Minister for Education and Youth has made a legislative instrument, the Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021, exempting specific courses from the definition of course under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act).

ASQA RTO information session: Assessment workshop (March 2015 YouTube Broadcast)

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) YouTube broadcast of the RTO information session: Assessment Workshop (Sydney) published March 2015

Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) VET Unit

The QCAA, as delegate for the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), registers and audits Queensland school registered training organisations (RTOs).

New Genuine Student Requirement (2024)

​From 23 March 2024, the Genuine Student (GS) requirement replaces the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for Student visas.

Accord Report - Future Disruptions for Australian Universities (2024)

This report investigates disruptive influences on Australia's higher education system over the next 10−20 years and what those disruptions mean for the Accord and the future of higher education.

DET NSW: Skills Recognition Candidate Guide 2009

DET NSW publication, a candidate guide to skills recognition from 2009

ASQA: Training Packages

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) link to information about training packages

VET Delivery in secondary Schools information for RTOs

VCAA website link to information for RTOs about delivering VET in Secondary Schools

Student Feedback Form Post Enrolment example template

A template example of a form used to gain post enrolment feedback

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