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Meeting the AI skills boom (2024)

Australia’s artificial intelligence (AI) workforce has grown remarkably in recent years, from around 800 workers in 2014 to over 33,000 in 2023. This report investigates whether this growth trajectory can continue to meet the high demand expected by 2030.

CEDEFOP: Teachers and trainers in a changing world (2022)

This 2022 synthesis paper published by CEDEFOP points out that “teachers and trainers are at the frontline of VET delivery.” To do their job effectively requires that “they (re)skill and upskill towards future-oriented competences, which they can then pass on to students.”

Digital Skills Organisation: Towards a new model for the development of digital skills (2022)

The rapid pace of change in digital technologies is bringing with it a growing demand for digital skills training. This paper introduces a new model for digital skills development prepared by the Digital Skills Organisation (DSO), in collaboration with partners.

AQTF Users’ Guide to the Standards for Accredited Courses

VRQA website link to the AQTF Users' Guide to the Standards for Accredited Courses

Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015

ASQA website link to the Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015.

TAC: TAC Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) link to the TAC Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

Meeting the AI skills boom (2024)

Australia’s artificial intelligence (AI) workforce has grown remarkably in recent years, from around 800 workers in 2014 to over 33,000 in 2023. This report investigates whether this growth trajectory can continue to meet the high demand expected by 2030.

ASQA: Guide to determining the amount of training

ASQA website link to Guide to determining the amount of training

ASQA: International Education, 2019: Strategic Review: Protecting the quality of International VET and English language education.

ASQA published its strategic review into international education, Protecting the quality of International VET and English language education on 31 July 2019. Click the link to read the report.

Early Changes to the Current Standards for RTOs (2024)

Given the implementation date of January 2025 for the revised Standards for RTOs, Skills Ministers have agreed to progress some changes to the current Standards in advance of the broader revisions.

VRQA: 2022 Client and Stakeholder Satisfaction Research Report (2023)

The results from the 2022 client and stakeholder research indicate most clients and stakeholders continue to be supportive of the VRQA's performance and its role.

ASQA: Users’ Guide to the Standards for VET Accredited Courses

ASQA has developed this Users’ guide to assist course developers and owners to understand their obligations under the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021.

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