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ASQA: How to transition

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) link to information about transition items on scope of registration

Be a Mate: It's Worth It (2024)

Free resources for trainees and apprentices to encourage them to build and maintain strong friendships they can rely on as they move through life, to ensure they feel connected and supported.

Australian Government: ACSC Annual Cyber Threat Report, July 2021 to June 2022

The Annual Cyber Threat Report is ACSC’s flagship unclassified publication. The Report provides an overview of key cyber threats impacting Australia, how the ACSC is responding to the threat environment, and crucial advice for Australian individuals and organisations to protect themselves online.

Meeting the AI skills boom (2024)

Australia’s artificial intelligence (AI) workforce has grown remarkably in recent years, from around 800 workers in 2014 to over 33,000 in 2023. This report investigates whether this growth trajectory can continue to meet the high demand expected by 2030.

TAC: Webinar - Understanding the TAC Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar focuses on the purpose and structure of the Guide and how it can be utilised to maximise its usefulness to you and your organisation. While the Standards for RTOs apply to all RTOs, the Guide and workshop contain some information specific to TAC’s policies and processes.

Digital Skills Organisation: Towards a new model for the development of digital skills (2022)

The rapid pace of change in digital technologies is bringing with it a growing demand for digital skills training. This paper introduces a new model for digital skills development prepared by the Digital Skills Organisation (DSO), in collaboration with partners.

AQTF Users’ Guide to the Standards for Accredited Courses

VRQA website link to the AQTF Users' Guide to the Standards for Accredited Courses

Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015

ASQA website link to the Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015.

TAC: TAC Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) link to the TAC Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

ASQA: Guide to determining the amount of training

ASQA website link to Guide to determining the amount of training

Meeting the AI skills boom (2024)

Australia’s artificial intelligence (AI) workforce has grown remarkably in recent years, from around 800 workers in 2014 to over 33,000 in 2023. This report investigates whether this growth trajectory can continue to meet the high demand expected by 2030.

ASQA: International Education, 2019: Strategic Review: Protecting the quality of International VET and English language education.

ASQA published its strategic review into international education, Protecting the quality of International VET and English language education on 31 July 2019. Click the link to read the report.

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