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TAC: Fact Sheet - RTO Complaints and Appeals

Training Accreditation Council link to Fact Sheet on RTO Complaints and Appeals

Victoria State Government

Victorian Government website link to information about VET Programs in secondary schools

NCVER: Quality Assessments Practice and Perspectives 2014

National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) publication that investigates how quality in assessments has implications for the credibility of VET qualifications and the competence of the graduates who hold these qualifications

Skills Guarantee Procurement Connected Policy (2024)

The Skills Guarantee PCP provides high-level instructions for relevant parties engaging in Commonwealth procurements in the construction and ICT sectors.

Spiky Profile Graph (.xls)

This template assists RTOs when analysing language, literacy and numeracy levels of students in line with the requirements of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)

Summary of Outcomes – Piloting of Draft Revised Standards for RTOs: Outcome Standards (2024)

DEWR has undertaken piloting of the draft Outcome Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) (draft Outcome Standards) in collaboration with the ASQA and TAC in Western Australia.

ASQA: Revised Standards for RTOs (Guidance and Resources)

ASQA guidance and resources on the Revised Standards for RTOs.

Training Package Products Policy 2012

NSSC publication - The Training Package Products Policy 2012

TAC: Fact Sheet – Amount of Training

TAC Fact Sheet about the amount of training

VelgCast: Rules of Evidence

A general overview of the Rules of Evidence

TAC: TAC Talks (Podcasts)

'TAC Talks', the official podcast of the Training Accreditation Council. Listen as TAC Auditors and experts discuss targeted aspects of compliance and quality.

ASQA: Fact Sheet - Sample AQF Documentation

ASQA website link to Fact Sheet on sample forms of AQF certification documentation for nationally recognised VET qualifications

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