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DETYA: So you're a workplace coach (2001)

A Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs publication that provides support strategies for workplace mentors and coaches who work with apprentices and trainees on the job

Webinar Recording: Beyond Excellence

Recorded on 21/02/2020 this webinar will get you focussed on a shift in thinking and transcending the current climate of compliance.

Webinar Recording: Designing Quality Training

Recorded on 18/03/2020 and forming part of Velg Training's Focus Week on Design, in this webinar Marc Ratcliffe, CEO and owner of MRWED, shared his expertise when it comes to training design and course development.

SSA: Trigger Words in Action

A Service Skills Australia (SSA) sample that identifies trigger words within a unit of competency, using the Australian Core Skills Framework

Skills Shortages Analysis (2023)

Jobs and Skills Australia leads work on skills shortage analysis including the annual Skills Priority List and reports on Skills Shortages.

NCVER: Podcast - Quality of VET teaching: perceptions and realities (2021)

Vocational Voices S6, Episode 1 - Steve Davis talks to NCVER Managing Director, Simon Walker, Educationalist and Researcher, Linda Simon and VET Development Centre CEO, Martin Powell about what helps build capability and quality in VET teaching.

NCVER: Research & Statistics (site link)

Find current and published research and statistical reports, data collections, surveys and visualisations on the Australian vocational education and training system.

National Skills Passport Consultation (2024)

Share your views on the scope, outcomes and benefits of a National Skills Passport. Submissions close 11:59pm AEDT, 18 February 2024.

SSA: Model for Integrated Foundation Skill Support in wholesale, retail and personal services training

A Service Skills Australia (SSA) resource for trainers delivering courses in communication, customer service and WHS in the WRAPS industry, that provides practical tools and scenarios for learners

SSA: Model for Integrated Foundation Skill Support in tourism, travel and hospitality training

A Service Skills Australia (SSA) resource for trainers delivering courses in communication, customer service and WHS in the TTH industry, that provides practical tools and scenarios for learners

SSA: Model for Integrated Foundation Skill Support in sport, fitness and recreation training

A Service Skills Australia (SSA) resource for trainers delivering courses in communication, customer service and WHS in the SFR industry, that provides practical tools and scenarios for learners

Velg Training Marketing Checklist & Register templates

This product provides a checklist for reviewing marketing material against the Standards for RTOs 2015 and a Register (Excel spreadsheet) for tracking marketing material.

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