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System Basics

‘System Basics’ gives a break-down of the interconnected functions, frameworks and entities in Australia’s VET sector.

Training Packages

It is essential that RTO staff know how to access information about relevant Training Packages, so that they can stay up-to-date with the requirements for training and assessment.

Informing Learners

Information for prospective learners must be clear, current and factual. Timing and methods of delivering this information should also be considered.

Transition Arrangements

There are certain RTO activities that must be completed in set timeframes when a training product is superseded, removed or deleted from the national VET register.

Funding Arrangements

Knowing what qualifications are listed for funding contracts, and what threshold amounts are, is vital when looking to secure this type of income stream for your RTO.

Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)

The Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) is a tool which assists both specialist and non-specialist English language, literacy and numeracy practitioners describe an individual’s performance in the five core skills of learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy.

Assessment Tools

An ‘assessment tool’ is defined as both “the instrument(s) and procedures used to gather and interpret evidence of competence”.

Reasonable Adjustment

RTOs have an obligation to assist learners who may need some flexibility in training and assessment so that their individual needs can be met.

Fees and Refunds

All RTOs must be explicit about their policies for collecting fees from students, and the conditions under which refunds may be issued.

Records Management

Records management is an important activity in an RTO as it ensures that records are created, stored securely and preserved for as long as they are needed.

VET Basics

‘VET basics’ takes a simple approach to explain the fundamental elements of VET.

Quality Indicators

All RTOs need to report annually on their performance against Quality Indicators.

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