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ASQA Webinar: Advice to the sector on next steps in self-assurance

Broadcast 10 December 2020 and available via YouTube.

ACER: Revision or Re-vision: Exploring approaches to the differentiation of qualification types in the Australian Qualifications Framework (2019)

In March 2019, the Department of Education commissioned the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to conduct a conceptual analysis of the most appropriate way to develop and present a taxonomy of learning outcomes within a qualifications framework; and a technical analysis and revision of the Knowledge, Skills and Application of Knowledge and Skills descriptors used in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Australian Government: Modernising the collection of international education data - Concept Brief (2022)

The Department has released a concept paper, the PRISMS modernisation project 2022 concept brief, to inform international education providers and their service agencies about this project and provide details on opportunities to engage in the project consultations and implementation.

Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System - Background paper (2024)

The Background Paper summarises the key challenges facing apprenticeships. It is a research document, detailing key evidence and data.

TEQSA: Guide for CRICOS providers undertaking an independent external audit (2022)

This guide sets out TEQSA’s expectations for the independent external audit (external audit) process for providers with self-accrediting authority (SAA) applying to renew their CRICOS registration.

Service Skills Australia: 4 Steps to Taking the Lead 2014

A PD publication to help VET practitioners identify and support LLN skills development

No More Excuses – Industry Response to the LLN Challenge

Industry Skills Council (ISC) publication about the LLN challenges in Vocational Education and Training

Webinars - Education & Research in the COVID-19 Era – an Australia-Malaysia dialogue (2021)

This series offers the opportunity for our higher education and TVET colleagues in Australia and Malaysia to discuss and share best practice approaches to delivering quality online higher education and TVET, quality assessment policies for online study programs, support for research during the COVID-19 health crisis and to discuss sustainable, innovative approaches to quality online education for a future beyond the current pandemic settings. See video access below.

TAC: Video - Understanding the VET Sector

The Vocational Education and Training Sector is large and complex, made up of many stakeholders, frameworks and registers. TAC has released a clip which unpacks the sector to help you understand it a little better.

Webinar: National Careers Week - Skills on the Move (2023)

This webinar will discuss the transferability of skills, the importance of upskilling and reskilling, and how your skills can help you change your career pathway. The discussion will focus on first-hand accounts of panel members’ experiences.

Taylor & Francis Online: Designing assessment for inclusion: an exploration of diverse students’ assessment experiences (2022)

A students-as-partners approach was taken to explore diverse students’ experiences of assessment, and their suggestions to make assessment more inclusive. A team of six staff and five student partners undertook a co-research project, facilitating workshops with 52 students from diverse backgrounds to understand their assessment experiences.

CEDEFOP: Built to last: apprenticeship vision, purpose, and resilience in times of crisis (2022)

This publication comprises papers drafted by Cedefop’s community of apprenticeship experts on apprenticeship resilience, and apprenticeship vision and purpose. To complement the country-specific angle, Cedefop developed a comparative, cross-scheme and cross-country analysis and shared its reflections.

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