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VET Acronyms

The VET sector makes use of myriad acronyms to refer to specific terms and components of the system; find them here.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Students undertaking nationally recognised training must have a USI in order to receive their qualification or Statement of Attainment, and RTOs must meet the requirements of the USI scheme.

Complaints and Appeals

All RTOs should have a policy and procedures in place for how they will deal with complaints and/or appeals of results.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

The AQF applies in all states and territories and describes the standards for regulated Australian qualifications delivered through schools, higher education institutions and RTOs.

Queensland Schools

This page specifically applies to schools in Queensland who are school RTOs in their own right or to those RTOs who deliver VET in Queensland Schools.

Third Party and Partnership Arrangements

RTOs are responsible for all services delivered on their behalf, therefore should have written third-party or partnership agreements in place to monitor all parties’ compliance with the Standards.

National Programs and Events

There are national level awards and events especially designed to promote VET as an education and skills pathway, and to celebrate effort and achievement within VET.

Government Organisations

Aside from regulators, researchers and approval and/or governing bodies, there are government organisations with responsibility to implement and uphold the quality delivery of vocational training.

Awards and Recognition

In recognition of outstanding achievement and performance in the VET sector, there are a number of competitions and awards that celebrate excellence in VET.


Standard Seven of the Standards for RTOs 2015 mandates that RTOs should have “effective governance and administration arrangements in place”.

Foundation Skills

Foundation Skills are a combination of communication and employability skills. Trainers may need specialist support services to assist students to develop Foundation Skills.

Other Schools

This page specifically applies to schools outside of Queensland who offer VET within their curriculum.

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