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VET regulators are independent bodies working to uphold the quality of VET delivered in Australia. They perform a number of functions including the registration of RTOs and subsequent monitoring of their operations for compliance with relevant standards.

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA)

Responsible for providing advice to the Australian Government to underpin Australia’s response to current, emerging and future labour market and workforce skills and training needs.

Framework for Foundation Skills

Foundation skills refer to the core capabilities required for effective workplace and community participation, and include language, literacy, numeracy (LLN) and employability skills.

Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs)

Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) have four broad functions and responsibilities, including: workforce planning; training product development; implementation, promotion and monitoring; and industry stewardship.

Provider Links

This page provides links to research and reports that you might like to investigate

State-based Awards Programs

There are awards to recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations in VET at a state and territory level.

Fact Sheets

Quick links to a range of handy Fact Sheets about the VET Sector

VET Glossary and Useful Links

A glossary of VET terminology and a list of useful websites relevant to RTOs.

2019 -

This page includes research and reports up to the year 2019.

Other Organisations

Within the VET sector there are a number of peak industry bodies that exist to provide advice, support and PD opportunities to VET practitioners.

Key Organisations

There are a number of key organisations in Australia’s National VET System, including those that develop, deliver, regulate and research VET in Australia.

Northern Territory

VET funding programs and initiatives available in the Northern Territory.

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