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Research Organisations

There are key organisations that research activity within, and about, education and VET in Australia.

Sales and Marketing

RTOs must balance their sales and growth needs with specific requirements and allowable practices related to the marketing of their training products and services.

Continuous Improvement

RTOs should have a system for how they will pinpoint and action opportunities for continuous improvement of their operations.

Trainer and Assessor Competence and Currency

Delivery of quality vocational training relies on having properly qualified educators with relevant experience. Specific requirements for trainers and assessors are mandated by the Standards.

Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Collectively known as ‘Australian Apprenticeships’, both apprenticeships and traineeships offer the opportunity and benefit of being trained and working towards a nationally recognised qualification, whilst working in industry and earning a wage.

Useful AI Tools

This page is designed to provide you with an overview of some of the most useful AI tools available.

Student Files

RTOs must collect and keep information on their students’ learning activities. Considerations include the creation, maintenance, storage and access requirements associated with those files.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Students undertaking nationally recognised training must have a USI in order to receive their qualification or Statement of Attainment, and RTOs must meet the requirements of the USI scheme.


Standard Seven of the Standards for RTOs 2015 mandates that RTOs should have “effective governance and administration arrangements in place”.

Compliance Chats

As a member you get access to our Monthly Compliance Chats service

Third Party and Partnership Arrangements

RTOs are responsible for all services delivered on their behalf, therefore should have written third-party or partnership agreements in place to monitor all parties’ compliance with the Standards.

Training Support - Standards 2.3 and 2.4

Standards 2.3 and 2.4 relate to the focus area of training support.

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