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International onshore VET qualification completer outcomes 2022 (2023)

International onshore VET qualification completer outcomes 2022 provides a summary of the outcomes of international students who completed their vocational education and training (VET) qualification in Australia in 2021. These students were surveyed as an additional component to the 2022 National Student Outcomes Survey.

AiGroup: Skills, Education & Training – Federal Election Policy Statement (2022)

Ai Group’s skills, education and training policy proposals for the 2022 federal election focus on three areas: improving our approach to skills needs, qualifications, education and training; the opportunities presented by work-integrated learning (including apprenticeships); and the importance of developing foundation skills – including in workplaces.

Australian Government: Effectiveness of Planning and Implementation of Reform by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (2021)

The audit objective was to examine the effectiveness of ASQA’s planning and implementation of reform to the regulation of the VET sector.

The Australian Education System; Foundation Level

Provides the fundamental skills and knowledge required to understand the Australian Education System.

VelgCast: Managing the Transition Process

An overview of the transition process including key compliance information that can assist

Development of the Draft Revised Standards for RTOs Paper (2023)

A paper on the development of the draft revised Standards for RTOs, which contains the latest draft Standards alongside a supporting narrative which explains their development and changes made since the version released for consultation in November 2022.

Australian Government: All eyes on quality: review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 report [Braithwaite review] (2018)

Professor Valerie Braithwaite from the Australian National University conducted the review to determine the legislative capacity of the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to efficiently and effectively regulate the sector, evaluate if ASQA's functions and powers are consistent with best regulatory practice and assess the ability of the system to meet industry and student needs.

NCVER annual report 2022-23 (2023)

NCVER’s annual report documents important company information, activities and achievements across the financial year. The appendices also contain details of published work, consultancy projects, and presentations and submissions.

TAFETalks: Webinar - Supporting Learners Online (2022)

Session covers the pedagogy of support in the context of online learners including post-COVID hybrid courses and new forms of education in the future. Also explores Learning Management System (LMS) tools .

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu: Review of quality assurance in Victoria’s VET system (2015)

On 20 February 2015, the Government commissioned an external review of quality assurance in Victoria's VET system (the Review). The objective of the Review was to help restore public confidence in the quality and value of VET in Victoria, while contributing to the broader review of VET funding.

Webinar - Chat with TAC: Early Changes to the Standards for RTOs (2024)

This webinar provides guidance to RTOs on the early changes to the Standards for RTOs which were implemented 1 March 2024.

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