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TAFETalks: Webinar - Supporting Learners Online (2022)

Session covers the pedagogy of support in the context of online learners including post-COVID hybrid courses and new forms of education in the future. Also explores Learning Management System (LMS) tools .

NCVER annual report 2022-23 (2023)

NCVER’s annual report documents important company information, activities and achievements across the financial year. The appendices also contain details of published work, consultancy projects, and presentations and submissions.

Development of the Draft Revised Standards for RTOs Paper (2023)

A paper on the development of the draft revised Standards for RTOs, which contains the latest draft Standards alongside a supporting narrative which explains their development and changes made since the version released for consultation in November 2022.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu: Review of quality assurance in Victoria’s VET system (2015)

On 20 February 2015, the Government commissioned an external review of quality assurance in Victoria's VET system (the Review). The objective of the Review was to help restore public confidence in the quality and value of VET in Victoria, while contributing to the broader review of VET funding.

UNESCO: Making lifelong learning a reality: a handbook (2022)

This handbook provides information, evidence and basic conceptual models to facilitate the adoption of lllin national and local settings. It provides evidence from diverse initiatives and describes some of the contemporary issues to which lifelong learning responds.

Webinar - Chat with TAC: Early Changes to the Standards for RTOs (2024)

This webinar provides guidance to RTOs on the early changes to the Standards for RTOs which were implemented 1 March 2024.

NCVER: An analysis of 'micro-credentials' in VET (2021)

This analytical project looked for patterns amongst these subjects by matching them to students and RTOs. It found that regulation, either explicit or implicit, formed the largest amount of activity in this area. It also found that these subjects were overwhelmingly funded by fee-for-service-activity.

NCVER: AVETMISS User Guide Version 2.23 (2022)

User Guide for AVETMISS validation software.

AQF: Recognition of Prior Learning – An Explanation 2012

An Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) publication that provides an explanation of RPL

TEQSA: ESOS Act and the return to compliance – frequently asked questions (FAQs) (2023)

TEQSA has published FAQs regarding the sector's return to compliance by 30 June 2023.

NCVER: Are skill sets booming? An analysis of training package skill sets (2019)

The report identifies how much nationally recognised training package or training package skill set activity is occurring and where. The report indicates that activity is clustered around only a small number of skill sets and a small number of training packages.

Australian Government: Implementation and Transition Timeline (2022)

Link to the timeline for transitioning to new industry engagement arrangements.

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