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RPL in the VET Sector 2003

An ANTA/NCVER publication that identifies and analyses what drives and what creates barriers to effective implementation of recognition of prior learning (RPL).

The TAS Trilogy: Let your TAS tell the story (Webinar Series)

Recorded on 17,24 & 31 August, 2022 this 3-part series with Angela McGregor guided attendees through the key components of the TAS and provided real-world guidance to assist in creating TAS documents that are meaningful, compliant and reflect actual practices.

School choice in an information desert: A multimodal website analysis of vocational education offerings (2024)

The aim of this study is to examine whether current information sharing is adequate for informing school choice for young people seeking vocational education and training (VET) opportunities.

ASQA: Request to extend course accreditation

ASQA website link to the form for request to extend the accreditation of a course

ASQA: Application to cancel course accreditation

ASQA website link to the Form to cancel course Accreditation

TAFETalks: The Future of Learning: ChatGPT, Edtech, and the Impact on Academic Integrity (2023)

Learn about ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI, it's capabilities, potential future developments, and its incorporation in education.

Design and Implementation of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System (2024)

An audit of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System (the Incentives System) during phase one provides assurance to the Parliament on the effectiveness of the design and implementation of the program by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

ASQA: Guide to change of ownership

ASQA link to the Guide to change of ownership.

AQF: Fact Sheet – Volume of Learning: An Explanation 2014

AQF fact sheet explaining the volume of learning

State of Victoria: Review into vocational and applied learning pathways in senior secondary schooling (2020)

Final report of the Firth Review of vocational education delivered in secondary schools to ensure students have access to high quality and relevant education.

Using AI in the workplace (2024)

To support the adoption of trustworthy AI in the workplace, this policy paper identifies the main risks that need to be addressed when using AI in workplace. It identifies the main policy gaps and offers possible policy avenues specific to labour markets.

Ai Group: Webinar - Skills Standards and VET qualifications (2022)

This webinar discusses the proposed reforms and addressed other questions related to the topic.

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