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The Impact of Workplace Bullying on Mental Health and Suicidality in Queensland Construction Industry Apprentices (2020)

This study builds on previous qualitative research conducted by the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention which identified alleged bullying and poor treatment of Queensland construction industry apprentices.

DTWD - RPL – An Assessment Resource for VET Practitioners 2013

Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) publication and resource offering information for VET practitioners on RPL assessment

Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015 Clause 1.5-1.6

ASQA website link to the Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015, v2.0, published November 2017, regarding engagement with industry/employers

NCVER: Government-funded students and courses 2021 (2022)

This publication provides a summary of data relating to students, programs, subjects and training providers in Australia’s government-funded vocational education and training (VET) system, defined as all Commonwealth and state/territory government-funded training delivered by technical and further education (TAFE) institutes, other government providers (such as universities), private providers and community education providers.

Listening to Australian businesses on workforce and skills 2024: The big picture, jobs and skills (2024)

This comprehensive, future-facing survey asks companies about the external and internal factors driving their skills and workforce needs now and into the future. It also asks where the skills challenges or shortages are, and the steps businesses plan to take to develop or acquire the skills and capabilities they consider they need to succeed.

ASQA: Video - Understanding the TAE product validation process

Any assessment validation of training and education (TAE) products needs to be conducted independently. How do you assemble an independent team, and what are the requirements? Watch this short video to find out more.

ASQA: Webinar - Advice to the sector on next steps in self-assurance

Broadcast 15/12/20; ASQA link to webinar on advice to the sector on next steps in self-assurance

Lifelong Learning The Foundation of Future Work (2020)

This report builds upon earlier work that identified future work changes driven by technology, demographic and social factors and relevant implications for skills and employment policy. Now is the time for government to work collectively across our economy and society to drive a renewed focus on lifelong learning as a contributor to Queensland’s economic recovery and future prosperity.

AiGroup: Skills and work: What's changed in a year? (2022)

Every month, the ABS surveys a random sample of 2,000 businesses (June response rate was 61%) across Australia to gather timely insights about business conditions and sentiments. The June Business Conditions and Sentiments survey took a closer look at the causes of, and responses to the skill and labour shortages challenging Australian businesses.

TAC Fact Sheet: Managing Non-Compliance against the Standards for RTOs

This is the Fact Sheet issued by the Training Accreditation Council about Managing Non-Compliance against the Standards for RTOs

AQTF Users Guide to the Essential Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration

Australian Government website link to the AQTF Users' Guide for Continuing Registration

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