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Webinar Recording: It’s Risky not to Self-Assure your Risks

Recorded on 5/04/2023 this is the third webinar in the Self Assurance Series and was dedicated to unpacking Self Assurance practices. Attendees explored how to identify RTO’s risks and a customised risk management framework, reporting templates and more.

Domestic and Family Violence Support: A Best Practice Guide for Employers (2022)

The intent of this Guide is to provide businesses with information on how to best support employees experiencing, witnessing or using violence, and how to take action to assist at an early stage. The Guide also includes examples of ‘best practice’ measures to support staff who have experienced DFV.

Improving VET delivered to secondary students

Link to information about Vet in Schools skills reform.

DTWD: Staying the course: A guide to working with students with mental illness - Facilitator Guide 2012

Department of Training and Workforce Development publication - the facilitator's guide to assist with professional development of staff working with students with mental illness

VRQA: Form B - Amending the Scope of Registration

VRQA website link to the Form B to be submitted for amendment to scope

Sample: University of Ballarat Instructions to Teachers Template

An example of assessment instructions to teachers template

VelgCast: Using observations and demonstrations to gather evidence

An overview about using observations and demonstrations to gather evidence

NCVER: Understanding the non-completion of apprentices (2014)

This literature review draws together existing research and data to find out why apprentices do not complete their training.

University of Melbourne: A report for the NSW Department of Education on Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (2019)

This report presents the findings of an external review and analysis of relevant recent practices, research and data on the delivery of Vocational Education and Training (VET) to secondary students.

Permission to teach VET: Enabling a vicious circle that maintains the low status of VET education (2024)

This paper discusses the Vocational Major which was introduced in Victoria, Australia in 2023 to raise the status of Vocational Education and Training (VET). To address demand for qualified VET teachers in secondary schools, VET trainers without a teaching qualification are granted permission to teach VET.

Requirement for course owners to add VET accredited courses to scope for delivery - 30 Sep 2019

This link takes you to ASQA's website where it describes the need for course owners to add VET accredited courses to their scopes of registration.

Permission to teach VET: Enabling a vicious circle that maintains the low status of VET education (2024)

This paper discusses the Vocational Major which was introduced in Victoria, Australia in 2023 to raise the status of Vocational Education and Training (VET). To address demand for qualified VET teachers in secondary schools, VET trainers without a teaching qualification are granted permission to teach VET.

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