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Breaking universities': Addiction to International Students (2024)

This report makes the case that our universities have become so focused on chasing international student revenue that they are neglecting their core mission, as publicly funded institutions, of delivering a high quality education to Australian domestic students.

Lifelong Learning The Foundation of Future Work (2020)

This report builds upon earlier work that identified future work changes driven by technology, demographic and social factors and relevant implications for skills and employment policy. Now is the time for government to work collectively across our economy and society to drive a renewed focus on lifelong learning as a contributor to Queensland’s economic recovery and future prosperity.

ASQA: Video - Understanding the TAE product validation process

Any assessment validation of training and education (TAE) products needs to be conducted independently. How do you assemble an independent team, and what are the requirements? Watch this short video to find out more.

AQTF Users Guide to the Essential Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration

Australian Government website link to the AQTF Users' Guide for Continuing Registration

Comprehensive learner records: empowering lifelong learning in the digital age (2024)

The Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) - defined as a verifiable, portable, interoperable digital asset that recognizes all learning - is currently a topic of intense interest in the postsecondary and workplace ecosystem.

TAC Fact Sheet: Managing Non-Compliance against the Standards for RTOs

This is the Fact Sheet issued by the Training Accreditation Council about Managing Non-Compliance against the Standards for RTOs

Webinar Recording: It’s Risky not to Self-Assure your Risks

Recorded on 5/04/2023 this is the third webinar in the Self Assurance Series and was dedicated to unpacking Self Assurance practices. Attendees explored how to identify RTO’s risks and a customised risk management framework, reporting templates and more.

DTWD: Staying the course: A guide to working with students with mental illness - Facilitator Guide 2012

Department of Training and Workforce Development publication - the facilitator's guide to assist with professional development of staff working with students with mental illness

Domestic and Family Violence Support: A Best Practice Guide for Employers (2022)

The intent of this Guide is to provide businesses with information on how to best support employees experiencing, witnessing or using violence, and how to take action to assist at an early stage. The Guide also includes examples of ‘best practice’ measures to support staff who have experienced DFV.

Improving VET delivered to secondary students

Link to information about Vet in Schools skills reform.

Australian Government: Australian Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper (2022)

The Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper explores the existing services and supports and seeks views on opportunities address three key questions facing the Apprenticeships System.

Apprenticeships and the digital transition: Modernising apprenticeships to meet digital skill needs (2024)

This publication draws from practice and research that explore how skill needs are changing due to the digital transition, how this impacts apprenticeship systems, how apprenticeships can support and promote the transition, and how they can benefit for from effective technology adoption and use in their delivery in the school-based and workplace components.

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