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Webinar Recording: How to Destroy Training

Recorded on 27/5/2024 this webinar looked at the key pains of learners and in a tongue in cheek way demonstrate the ways that educators subconsciously or through our own biases bring these into the classroom (both physical and virtual).

Permission to teach VET: Enabling a vicious circle that maintains the low status of VET education (2024)

This paper discusses the Vocational Major which was introduced in Victoria, Australia in 2023 to raise the status of Vocational Education and Training (VET). To address demand for qualified VET teachers in secondary schools, VET trainers without a teaching qualification are granted permission to teach VET.

Webinar: A simple strategy for understanding units of competency (2022)

This video offers a simple framework for understanding the unit of competency.

Permission to teach VET: Enabling a vicious circle that maintains the low status of VET education (2024)

This paper discusses the Vocational Major which was introduced in Victoria, Australia in 2023 to raise the status of Vocational Education and Training (VET). To address demand for qualified VET teachers in secondary schools, VET trainers without a teaching qualification are granted permission to teach VET.

Webinar Recording: Implementing the Rules of Evidence: Issues and how to avoid them

Recorded on the 30/1/2023 this webinar looked at Clause 1.8 (assessment) being one of the most problematic compliance issues at audit, and it helped attendees bring back the fundamentals and remember how important the Rules of Evidence are.

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities (2023)

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities was released in September 2023. It outlines the Government’s vision for a dynamic and inclusive labour market. One where everyone has the opportunity for secure, fairly paid work and people, businesses and communities can be beneficiaries of change and thrive.

Vic Health: Fact Sheet - How cultural diversity can be good for business

Victorian Health Fact Sheet about how cultural diversity can be good for business (2014)

Listening to Australian businesses on workforce and skills 2024: The digital and AI revolution (2024)

The survey has asked businesses about digital transformation and digital skills for some time, providing data on the evolving demand for these capabilities. This year, for the first time, the survey takes a deeper look at the impact of generative AI, exploring what it might mean for workforces, jobs and skills.

NCVER: Webinar - How to use the AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS): 2015 update

Updated for 2015, learn how to upload, validate and report Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) data using the National Centre for Vocational Education Research's (NCVER's) free web-based AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS) in less than eight minutes.

Schedule 4 of the Standards for RTOs 2015

The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for promoting and certifying national vocational education and training leading to AQF certification documentation. The NRT Logo is a registered trade mark and the conditions for its use are outlined here on Page 39 of the Standards for RTOs 2015.

ASQA: Tool released to assist development of VET accredited courses

ASQA has developed an industry consultation form to assist accredited course developers.

Focus Week: Two Way Learning : Across cultures, and classroom practises to support Indigenous and CALD learners

Recorded on the 04/06/2024. This 90-minute webinar was the second of five from our Focus Week: Student Diversity & Wellbeing. Engaging a variety of diverse learners can be challenging. This session provided an opportunity to explore how to use student experience and knowledge to foster learning in others.

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