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Focus Week: Two Way Learning : Across cultures, and classroom practises to support Indigenous and CALD learners

Recorded on the 04/06/2024. This 90-minute webinar was the second of five from our Focus Week: Student Diversity & Wellbeing. Engaging a variety of diverse learners can be challenging. This session provided an opportunity to explore how to use student experience and knowledge to foster learning in others.

Schedule 4 of the Standards for RTOs 2015

The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for promoting and certifying national vocational education and training leading to AQF certification documentation. The NRT Logo is a registered trade mark and the conditions for its use are outlined here on Page 39 of the Standards for RTOs 2015.

TAC Fact Sheet: Assessing in the Workplace

This fact sheet provides guidance to RTOs on conducting quality assessment in the workplace.

University of Melbourne: Seven Ways to Improve Students' Online Learning Experiences in Your Subject (2020)

This publication (pdf) explores differing ways to improve the learning experiences your students have when engaging in online study.

NCVER: Exploratory analysis of VET market segments (2022)

This technical paper summarises the exploratory quantitative analysis undertaken to investigate how vocational education and training (VET) students cluster and segment in the Australian VET market.

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities (2023)

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities was released in September 2023. It outlines the Government’s vision for a dynamic and inclusive labour market. One where everyone has the opportunity for secure, fairly paid work and people, businesses and communities can be beneficiaries of change and thrive.

VelgCast: Four key models to support consistency in assessment

An overview of four key models commonly used to support consistency in assessment

ACTU: Micro-credentials: The Union View (2020)

As the peak body for working people, the ACTU provides a response to the COAG micro-credentials discussion paper.

OUA: Microcredentials: Exploring the student perspective (2021)

Research objectives were two fold: Firstly to explore prospective students behaviour, attitudes and perceptions towards microcredentials; secondly to validate the microcredentials and the characteristics students find most appealing

Consultation Paper – Developing a blueprint for the VET workforce (2024)

This consultation paper is to support submissions to inform the development of the VET Workforce Blueprint. It provides context about challenges and potential action areas for the VET workforce.

Sample: Charles Darwin University – Applicant’s Guide to RPL

An example of a guide given to applications providing information about RPL

Video: Professor Barney Glover AO's Address to the National Press Club (2024)

Professor Barney Glover AO, Commissioner of Jobs and Skills Australia Addresses the National Press Club of Australia on "Skills success in Australia: Aligning need with know-how".

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