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International students: The migration nexus (2024)

This report highlights the complexity of Australia’s international education sector. The writers argue that creating a healthy and sustainable international education sector will mean innovating across education and migration policy areas.

Video : 33rd National VET Research Conference, Keynote address by Professor Barney Glover, AO (2024)

In his keynote address Professor Barney Glover outlined Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA)’s skill priority list, their shortage classifications and why these shortages arise; and how they, along with the Jobs and Skills Councils, plan to address these shortages.

TEQSA: Webinars - 6th Annual Conference - Safeguarding student wellbeing (2022)

TEQSA webinar playlist on Safeguarding Student Wellbeing; includes topics on responding to incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment, securing students' online safety, and promoting and protecting mental health.

VelgCast: What do the RTO Standards say about Standard 6

An overview of what the Standards say about standard 6 (complaints and appeals) and the value of them to your RTO

Curriculum across the great divide: exploring a key problem of Australian tertiary education (2024)

This paper examines teaching and learning in VET to highlight ways in which an expanded concept of curriculum could lead to a renewal of VET and simultaneously promote generative articulation between the two tertiary systems.

The 2024 Australian Youth Barometer (2024)

For the fourth annual Australian Youth Barometer, 620 young Australians aged 18–24 were surveyed, and 30 more interviewed about their experiences with the economy, work, education, health and wellbeing, relationships and participation in civic life.

Webinar Recording: Assessment: The Big Picture

Recorded on the 22/04/2024. This webinar looked at a number of 'big picture' assessment issues.

NCVER: Infographic & Report - The stock of qualifications in Australia (2021)

NCVER link to infographic & report - The stock of qualifications in Australia. Using the ABS survey of qualifications and work, it shows the distribution of qualifications in Australia by level and field of education and in addition the relevance of the qualifications to workers' jobs.

The impact of increasing university participation on the characteristics of apprentices (2024)

This analysis uses data from the Longitudinal Surveys of Youth (LSAY) to compare the characteristics of apprenticeship-bound with university-bound young people and to look at if they have changed over time.

Focus Week: Navigating Neurodiversity in VET: Where to Begin

Recorded on the 03/06/2024. This 90-minute webinar was the first of five from our Focus Week: Student Diversity & Wellbeing. Attendees gained insights into practical ways to create an inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students and the broader benefits of integrating neurodiversity awareness and support into their RTO and programs.

Webinar Recording: The Student Support Spectrum

Recorded on the 27/4/2023 this session focused on engaging different learner types with a specific focus on international (ESL) students, students with language literacy and numeracy (LLN) needs, and students with additional learning or behavioral needs.

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