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Interesting Learning: 6 activities to activate your learner

Recorded on the 21/06/2023, Attendees Joined Kay Schlesinger as she shared 6 innovative learning activities to improve learning under your watch.

Focus Week: Simulate to Innovate: Crafting Effective Simulated Assessments

Recorded on 25/07/2023 and forming part of Velg Training's Focus Week on Assessment Tools and Practices, learn the art of designing reliable, authentic, and effective simulated practical assessments and explore examples to help participants visualise the concepts discussed.

English Australia: Webinar - CRICOS Compliance from A to Z (2020)

English Australia: link to webinar, broadcast 21/1/20 . CRICOS Compliance requires you adhere to well over 600 individual rules covering everything from financials to curriculum to marketing to HR to contracts and more. How can colleges get and stay on top of it all?!

Victorian Education and Training delivered to Secondary School students

Victorian Government website link to information about VET Programs for Secondary School Students

ASQA: New version of TAE training package and transition extension information (2023)

Version 5 of the TAE Training Package was approved by the Australian Industry Skills Committee on 8 November 2022 and endorsed by Skills Ministers on 18 November 2022.

Webinar Recording: The Art of Teaching - Cert IV TAE and beyond!

Recorded on the 30/11/2022 this 90 minute webinar showed attendees how to move from ‘teaching’ to develop a responsive approach to learning, that builds engagement and a positive learning community.

ASQA: FAQs Individuals working under the supervision of a trainer

The Australian Skills Quality Authority link to FAQs relating to assessors working under supervision

ASQA: Clauses 1.8 to 1.12—Conduct effective assessment

ASQA link to information about validation of assessment requirements.

Victoria University: Industry experiences and their role in education to work transitions (2021)

New commissioned research from the Mitchell Institute at Victoria University shows work experience while studying is associated with better labour outcomes at age 25.

Employers continue to engage strongly with training (2023)

The biennial Survey of employers’ use and views of the VET system measures employers’ use of and satisfaction with the VET system over the previous 12 months.

VelgCast: ACSF Suite - 10 Understanding oral communication in the ACSF

The tenth VelgCast in a series of 12 related to the ACSF

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