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ASQA - Users' Guide to Standards for RTOs 2015

ASQA has developed this Standards guide to assist RTOs to understand their obligations under the revised Standards for RTOs 2015.

Some of us R not OK: the decline in youth mental health (2024)

Youth mental health has been on the decline since the early 2010s. Is social media to blame? The e61 Institute sheds new light on this question by analysing drivers of mental health in this submission to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society.

ASQA: Notification of change to accredited course ownership

ASQA website link to the form for application to change course ownerships

PwC: Responsible AI Toolkit (2021)

Responsible AI (RAI) is the only way to mitigate AI risks.

SkillsIQ: Response to 2016 Quality Assessment in VET Discussion Paper

SkillsIQ's response to the 2016 Quality Assessment in VET Discussion Paper

An Evidence-Based Discussion Paper on VET Disability Education Delivery (2020)

This paper focused on the delivery of education within the VET sector, specifically the Certificate III in Individual Support and Certificate IV in Disability. It sought to explore numerous avenues in order to build a picture of the state of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector in terms of the delivery of education and the implementation of this education into work-ready skills.

Student Assessment Appeals Form example basic template

An example of a basic template that could be used as an Appeals Form to be completed by a student

NCVER: The online delivery of VET during COVID-19: part 1 (2021)

This report, the first of two reports for this project, investigates the extent to which RTOs shifted to online training delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. It compares the incidence of online training delivery during 2020 with pre-pandemic figures from 2019, and includes an examination of training type and subject result during these periods.

Mapping National Curriculum General Capabilities to CSfW and ACSF 2013

Australian Government publication that maps the Australian National Curriculum general capabilities to CSfW and ACSF

What does it look like for Australia to take a ... whole-of-nation approach to international policy (2024)

Key development, diplomacy and defence policies have called for Australia to take a whole-of-nation approach to its engagement with the world.

VTA: Response to 2016 Quality Assessment in VET Discussion Paper

Victorian TAFE Association's response to the 2016 Quality Assessment in VET Discussion Paper

Issues Paper Improving fairness in written agreements between international students and Australian education providers (2022)

This paper reports on trends in complaints and broader issues in international education. It raises a number of concerns with the language and contractual terms being used by providers in their written agreements.

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