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VelgCast: ACSF Suite - 8 Understanding reading in the ACSF

The eighth VelgCast in a series of 12 related to the ACSF

Government-funded students and courses - January to June 2023

This publication provides a summary of data relating to students, programs, subjects, and training providers in Australia’s government-funded vocational education and training (VET) system.

Market Preparation Paper for Stream 1 of the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program (2023)

The Australian Government is reforming foundation skills programs to help participants build their reading, writing, maths, and basic computer skills. From 1 July 2024 a redesigned Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program will be delivered across metropolitan, regional, and remote areas.

Quality in the VET system - a shared responsibility (pdf brochure)

A colourful brochure outlining the key organisations and contributors to the National Australian VET System

Quality in the VET system - a shared responsibility (pdf brochure)

A colourful brochure outlining the key organisations and contributors to the National Australian VET System

VelgCast: ACSF Suite - 11 Understanding numeracy in the ACSF

The eleventh VelgCast in a series of 12 related to the ACSF

VelgCast: ACSF Suite - 7 Understanding learning in the ACSF

The seventh VelgCast in a series of 12 related to the ACSF

VelgCast: Providing quality training and assessment services to students with disabilities

An overview of providing quality training and assessment services to students with disabilities

TAC Talks Ep1: Do Units of Competency have an Australian Qualifications Framework level?

This 10 min podcast explores the topic of how units fit into the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Briefing note - Microcredentials: striving to combine credibility and agility (2024)

Microcredentials hold promise for connecting people’s skillsets with labour market demand in a rapidly changing world of work. They have proliferated in recent years across economic sectors and education levels, reinforcing European and national efforts to understand and develop them better.

Webinar - The Universities Accord and Australian industry: What's next?

The final report from the Universities Accord Expert Panel signals some major changes to Australia's tertiary education landscape, and foreshadows universities, other tertiary providers and industry working much more closely together to develop the skills and capabilities our economy needs.

Webinar: Using data to deepen our understanding of VET students and their outcomes (2024)

This webinar will showcase the advanced data analytics work recently undertaken by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) to obtain a deeper understanding into how VET students behave and the outcomes they achieve.

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