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What about diplomas? (2022)

This paper discusses the current status of VET Diplomas. Tom Karmel, September 2022.

VOCEDplus is NCVER's International Tertiary Education Research Database (site link)

VOCEDplus is a free international research database for tertiary education, especially as it relates to workforce needs, skills development, and social inclusion.

AQF: Articulation - An Explanation

Australian Qualifications Framework Council link to explanation of articulation

AiGroup: An employer guide to work activities for students (2021)

Employers have been reporting that higher education graduates are not work-ready – that they are often lacking fundamental employability skills. Employers surveyed by Ai Group in 2018 expressed their highest levels of dissatisfaction for recruited graduates in the areas of self-management, planning and organising; literacy and numeracy; teamwork and communication; and knowledge of chosen career.

Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework Final Report 2019

Australian Government Department of Education publication that reports the outcomes of the review of the AQF

Review of the ACT User Choice Program Final Report 2015

ACT Government publication – reporting on the review of the User Choice Program (2015)

NCVER: Adding value to Australia’s approach to VET teaching and assessment (2022)

Adding value to competency-based training examined the strengths and weaknesses of CBT as it is currently applied to the Australian VET system. It also analysed whether there is a need to consider a broader approach on how to best deliver and assess VET teaching and learning.

Understanding the potential in VET: an introduction to the VNDA (2023)

This report was made possible through a new data set, titled the VET National Data Asset or VNDA. It will assist Jobs and Skills Australia to provide advice on the adequacy of the Australian VET system, unlocking new insights and analysis possibilities.

NCVER: Delivering high-quality VET: what matters to RTOs? (2022)

This report is the second part of a project investigating the quality of delivery in VET and how it might be better defined and measured. Based on consultation with high performing RTOs, the research finds that definitions of quality depend on an RTO’s purpose, mission, student characteristics and operating context.

NCVER: VET Knowledge Bank - Government bodies

NCVER link to the VET Knowledge Bank section that provides a brief overview of the authorities, bodies, entities and agencies established by the state and territory governments to support the training system.

Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System (2023)

The National School Reform Agreement (the agreement) is a joint agreement between the Commonwealth, States and Territories to lift student outcomes across Australian schools.

Employment Review Form example template

A template example of a basic performance review

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