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Future Made in Australia - National Interest Framework (2024)

This paper outlines the National Interest Framework that will guide how the Government will identify priority industries and how policy support will be designed to support the Government’s objectives through its Future Made in Australia agenda.

DWTD Instructions for Using the RPL Assessment Kit

The RPL Assessment Tool kit instructions from the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) Western Australia

GovComms Institute: Podcast - EP# 132 Digital Literacy across our Population (2022)

Patrick Kidd and host, CEO and Founder of contentgroup, David Pembroke, discuss the importance of developing digital skills.

Employing and managing people - Hiring, managing and supporting your workforce (2022)

Find information, tips and templates to help you: understand the basics of human resources; hire the right people; manage and retain your staff; meet your legal obligations.

Parliament of Australia: The vocational education and training sector: a quick guide

This quick guide provides an overview of the vocational education and training (VET) sector.

Better Together - The Jobs and Skills Report 2024

The “Better Together - Jobs and Skills Report 2024” provides a comprehensive analysis of Australia’s current and future labour market and skills system.

Ai Group: Webinar - Australian CEO Expectations and the economic outlook for 2023

Ai Group surveys Australian CEOs annually, to gather their insights on strategies for success in the coming year. Now in its tenth year, the Australian CEO Expectations report is a must-read resource to understand how CEOs plan to tackle the opportunities and challenges facing the Australian economy.

Informal training and learning in Australian firms: The need for a new perspective (2023)

This paper examines the use of informal training for workers, by Australian companies and other organisations. Using survey data, it reports the prevalence of informal training and also the utilisation of different types of informal training.

MSA: Foundation Skills in the Manufacturing Industry 2015

Manufacturing Skills Australia (MSA) publication about Foundation Skills in the manufacturing industry

Australia’s opportunity in the new AI economy (2024)

This study identifies key areas where Australia can leverage its strengths in AI applications, AI data centres, and data to drive significant economic growth, create new jobs, and enhance our digital resilience.

New report identifies workforce opportunities of the clean energy transition (2024)

The Australian Electricity Workforce for the 2024 Integrated System Plan: Projections to 2050 report reveals that under AEMO’s 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP) Step Change scenario, considered the most likely by AEMO’s expert panel, the clean energy workforce needs to almost triple in the next five years.

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