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The future of vocational education and training in Europe 50 dimensions of vocational education and training: Cedefop’s analytical framework for comparing VET (2023)

The purpose of the research is to gain an in-depth understanding of the future trends in vocational education and training in the 27 Member States of the EU, as well as in Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Employing and managing people - Hiring, managing and supporting your workforce (2022)

Find information, tips and templates to help you: understand the basics of human resources; hire the right people; manage and retain your staff; meet your legal obligations.

GovComms Institute: Podcast - EP# 132 Digital Literacy across our Population (2022)

Patrick Kidd and host, CEO and Founder of contentgroup, David Pembroke, discuss the importance of developing digital skills.

Staff Matrix example 2 template

An example template that can be used to record overall, which trainers and assessors are delivering and assessing each unit from a qualification

Informal training and learning in Australian firms: The need for a new perspective (2023)

This paper examines the use of informal training for workers, by Australian companies and other organisations. Using survey data, it reports the prevalence of informal training and also the utilisation of different types of informal training.

NCVER: Exploring the recognition of prior learning in Australian VET 2020

An NCVER publication from 2020 about RPL in Australian VET

Webinar recording: Workplace Based Assessment/On the Job Assessment

Recorded on 12/06/2024, attendees Learned about effective on-the-job assessment. Paul Pellier explored insights from leading workplace assessors, showcasing real-world challenges and innovative solutions.

Webinar Recording: Validation and Moderation - What’s the Difference?

Recorded on 7/8/2024 this webinar unpacked the principles of validation vs moderation. A great session for trainers, assessors and compliance personnel!

2023 ASQA Provider and Course Owner Survey Results (2023)

In 2023, ASQA engaged ORIMA Research to conduct the annual provider and course owner survey which collected feedback on ASQA’s performance during the 2022-23 financial year.

NCVER: Journeying through VET: a case study of foundation skills learners (2022)

Using Total VET Activity and National Student Outcome Survey data this research explores the enrolment paths, program completions and employment and further study outcomes of learners who had enrolled in nationally recognised foundation skills programs between 2016 – 2019.

Staff Matrix example template

An example template that can be used to record overall, which trainers and assessors are delivering and assessing each unit from a qualification

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