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National VET PD Week: Practical Ways to Build Foundation Skills and Improve Learner Results

Recorded on 12/10/2023, attendees learned practical ways to build learners' foundation skills through training. Explored how a focus on foundation skills can improve training outcomes!

Mapping Australian Higher Education 2023

Mapping Australian higher education 2023 provides an overview of Australian higher education policy and trends. It is the sixth edition of a report originally published by the Grattan Institute.

ASQA: Clauses 1.7, 5.4 and 6.1 to 6.6—Supporting and informing learners; managing complaints and appeals

Guidance about Clauses 1.7, 5.4 and 6.1 to 6.6—Supporting and informing learners; managing complaints and appeals

Record of Industry Engagement for TAS example template

An example template that could be used to record industry engagement relating to the TAS

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission: Obligations to your students

VEOHRC website link to information about obligations in making reasonable adjustments so students and clients with disability can learn without discrimination.

VET, Artificial Intelligence and Structure Change (2024)

There is a lot of hype around Artificial Intelligence (AI), even though there is debate on whether AI is different to automation which has been with us since the birth of the industrial revolution. This paper explores the implications of AI and its impact on the VET sector and the associated labour market.

NCVER: Industry’s role in VET governance: using international insights to inform new practices (2021)

This literature summary brings together findings using primarily international country comparisons on industry's role in VET over the last decade.

Sample: International Security Training Academy (ISTA) – Overview of RPL for Students

An example of information that could be provided to students providing an overview of RPL

IBSA: Video - IBSA discusses establishing the Manufacturing Jobs and Skills Council with TAFE Directors Australia (2023)

IBSA Group CEO, Sharon Robertson and General Manager of Industry and Engagement, Phil Clarke, explain the highlights of the new JSC model and its benefit to TAFEs and industry.

Pathways, engagement and transitions: experience of early school leavers (2024)

This report draws on three years of surveys of over 2,000 young people experiencing disadvantage who were in Year 10 in 2020 and in-depth interviews, to identify how more young people can be supported to complete Year 12 and have positive post-school pathways.

Study in Australia TV: Webinar - The regulatory framework associated with international education in Australia (2021)

Study in Australia TV link to webinar, broadcast - 27/6/21, about the regulatory framework associated with international education in Australia

The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements) Instrument 2021

Australian Government website link to the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements) Instrument 2021

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