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ASQA: Clauses 1.1 to 1.4 and 2.2—Implementing, monitoring and evaluating training and assessment strategies and practices

ASQA website link to information about clauses 1.1 to 1.4 and 2.2 of the Standards for RTOs 2015.

Team Assessment Responsibility Plan example template

An example template that can be used to record Team Assessment arrangements in place

Digital Literacy Skills Framework - April 2020

This Digital Literacy Skills Framework sits alongside the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), © 2012 and the ACSF Pre Level 1 © 2017. Digital literacy has been added as the sixth core skill to this framework to reinforce the concept that digital literacy is part of an integral suite of core skills that are fundamental for individuals to be able to participate in society and work.

Velg Training Credit Transfer templates

This is a pack of two templates comprising of an example credit transfer application template and an example credit transfer policy template

Competency and currency Summary Matrix example template

An example template that can be used to record an overview of the competency and currency of each staff member delivering a qualification.

Sample: Community College NSW Reasonable Adjustment to Teaching and Assessment Policy

A Community College NSW example of a reasonable adjustment policy (for teaching and assessment)

Product: Work Placement Record Book

This product provides an example template and framework upon which to base a Work Placement Record Book suitable for use in your RTO.

Evidence Mapping Template (for use with Streamlined Units of Competency)

An example of a template that could be used to map streamlined units of competency

Webinar Recording: The What, Why, Who, How and When of Reasonable Adjustment

Recorded on 21/10/2019 as part of National VET PD Week, this webinar answered the question: What does reasonable adjustment really mean in practice? With a focus on compliance (rather than equity) it unpacked the what, why, who, how and when!

Internal Moderation of Judgements example template

An example of a template that could be used to record moderation of judgements

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