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Velg Training Assessment Mapping template

This easy to use spreadsheet provides a framework for mapping assessment. Included is a blank template worksheet, an annotated worksheet with instructions, and a completed example.

IBSA: Foundation Skills Training Plan Validation Tool

An Innovation Business Skills Australia (IBSA) tool that can be used to document how a training program takes account of the foundation skills needs of the target learners

Australian Government: VET International Engagement Strategy 2025 (2019)

Launched in December 2019, the VET International Engagement Strategy 2025 (the Strategy) signals the Australian Government’s commitment to deliver on the full potential and reputation of the Australian (VET) sector internationally, and ensure its sustainable growth.

ELICOS Standards 2018

Australian Government website link to the Federal Register of Legislation - ELICOS Standards 2018. The ELICOS Standards apply to providers who deliver courses which are solely or predominantly of English language instruction to student visa holders in Australia. The ELICOS Standards 2018 provide a basis on which regulatory authorities may register a provider on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Course for Overseas Students (CRICOS) under the ESOS Act, to deliver an ELICOS course.

TAC: Webinar - Developing Units of Competency for Accredited Courses

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar which provides practical guidance on the principles and technical requirements for developing units which meet the Standards for Training Packages.

Assessment Appeals Form example template

A template example of a form used to record the RTO's review of the assessment decision and appeals outcome

Third Party Verification Checklist example template

An example of a template checklist that could be used when verifying third party evidence

Trainer-Assessor Staff Training and Development Policy example template

An example template of a policy that outlines how staff training and development will be documented

IBSA: Foundation Skills Assessment Validation Tool

An Innovation Business Skills Australia (IBSA) checklist that can be used to check the integration of foundation skills into vocational assessments

RTO Benchmarking example template

An example template checklist that could be used with external RTOs to compare and ‘benchmark’ the performance and processes of each RTO against a set standard.

Jobs Queensland: Positive Futures: Apprenticeships and Traineeships in Queensland (2017)

Jobs Queensland has undertaken an extensive state-wide consultation process to discover what is working well within the system for employers, apprentices and trainees, industry and the broader community.

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