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Velg Training Credit Transfer templates

This is a pack of two templates comprising of an example credit transfer application template and an example credit transfer policy template

Evidence Mapping Template (for use with Streamlined Units of Competency)

An example of a template that could be used to map streamlined units of competency

Department of Education: PRISMS Modernisation Project

The modernisation capability will allow providers to integrate their education provider systems with the PRISMS application to submit their data directly to PRISMS. The project commenced in July 2022. The Department is committed to working closely with international education stakeholders to achieve a successful PRISMS API solution that supports the longer-term efficiency of the sector.

Monitoring Schedule for Third Party Arrangements example template

An example template that can be used to record the monitoring arrangements in place with a third party

VelgCast: AVETMISS & Student Data Processing

An overview of what AVETMISS processing is required, result types and start & end dates

VET student outcomes 2023 (2023)

This product provides a summary of the outcomes and satisfaction of students who completed nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) in Australia during 2022 using data collected between June and August 2023.

ResearchGate: Not All International Students are the Same: Understanding Segments, Mapping Behavior August 2012

Based on the survey response of nearly 1,600 prospective international students from 115 countries collected October 2011 through March 2012, international students are segmented into four distinct groups: highfliers, strivers, explorers and strugglers. Significant differences are found in their information needs and use of information channels.

Velg Training VET Student Handbook template

This VET Student Handbook Template provides a framework for RTOs to build upon and adapt to ensure all of the information needed by a student, and required by the Standards for RTOs 2015, is included in a comprehensive and easy to follow manner.

Webinar Recording: Pursuing Trainer Excellence: Integrating coaching conversations

Recorded on the 18 /10/2022 this webinar looked at about how to integrate coaching conversations to embed training, learning and growth for learners.

ASQA Audit Report template

ASQAs Audit Report Template that can be used by RTOs in preparation for audit as a compliance monitoring exercise (2015)

Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Occupations and Skills: What are the needs for training Teachers and Trainers? (2020)

The paper seeks to explore the impact AI and automation have on vocational occupations and skills and to examine what that means for teachers and trainers in VET.

ELICOS Standards 2018

Australian Government website link to the Federal Register of Legislation - ELICOS Standards 2018. The ELICOS Standards apply to providers who deliver courses which are solely or predominantly of English language instruction to student visa holders in Australia. The ELICOS Standards 2018 provide a basis on which regulatory authorities may register a provider on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Course for Overseas Students (CRICOS) under the ESOS Act, to deliver an ELICOS course.

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