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Jobs and Skills Atlas

Jobs and Skills Atlas provides an overview of the labour market at national, state and regional level by occupations, skills and industries.

Teacher Education Expert Panel Discussion Paper (2023)

To support the successful implementation of the QITE Review recommendations, the Teacher Education Expert Panel has undertaken in-depth work to identify opportunities for reform and will be engaging in targeted consultation to inform its advice. This Discussion Paper sets out the key findings of this work, opportunities and considerations for delivering on these reform areas and discussion questions to inform its advice.

VRQA: Annual Declaration of Compliance

Under Guideline 5 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, registered training organisations (RTOs) are required to complete an annual declaration of compliance and submit it to the VRQA by 1 April each year.

Australian Government: National Standards for Disability Services

At the 18 December 2013 meeting of the Standing Council on Disability Reform ministers from all jurisdictions endorsed the revised National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS).

TAC: Webinar - Designing RTO Training & Assessment Strategies

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar guides participants through the process of developing a strategy by using a detailed case study. You will see how the above information is used at each step of the development process to build a strategy that is appropriate for the client group. The workshop will also link the process of developing a training and assessment strategy to the Standards for RTOs to assist RTOs in understanding their obligations.

NCVER: Nationally agreed nominal hours

These nationally agreed hours data have been agreed to by all States and Territories for use in national reporting of VET data only. NCVER sources the nominal hours externally or via state and territory submissions to the National VET Provider Collection.

ACSF Assessment Tools

This collection of assessment tasks can be used in the workplace to measure an individual’s language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) skills.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

VRQA: Annual declaration of compliance

Under Guideline 5 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, registered training organisations (RTOs) are required to complete an annual declaration of compliance and submit it to the VRQA by 1 April each year.

ASQA: Marketing and advertising practices of Australia's registered training organisations (2013)

The Australian Quality Skills Authority link to the Strategic Review Report about Marketing and Advertising practices of Australia’s RTOs (2013)

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