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VRQA: Annual declaration of compliance

Under Guideline 5 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, registered training organisations (RTOs) are required to complete an annual declaration of compliance and submit it to the VRQA by 1 April each year.

Teacher Education Expert Panel Discussion Paper (2023)

To support the successful implementation of the QITE Review recommendations, the Teacher Education Expert Panel has undertaken in-depth work to identify opportunities for reform and will be engaging in targeted consultation to inform its advice. This Discussion Paper sets out the key findings of this work, opportunities and considerations for delivering on these reform areas and discussion questions to inform its advice.

RTO Benchmarking example template

An example template checklist that could be used with external RTOs to compare and ‘benchmark’ the performance and processes of each RTO against a set standard.

ACSF Assessment Tools

This collection of assessment tasks can be used in the workplace to measure an individual’s language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) skills.

ASQA: Marketing and advertising practices of Australia's registered training organisations (2013)

The Australian Quality Skills Authority link to the Strategic Review Report about Marketing and Advertising practices of Australia’s RTOs (2013)

ADCET: Microsoft’s Inclusive Classroom (webinars & resources)

The Inclusive Classroom was a series of webinars aimed at improving knowledge of Microsoft accessibility tools. The sessions were delivered by Troy Waller, learning delivery specialist and accessibility lead for Microsoft Australia Education. The diversity of learning needs of students requires schools, VET and Universities to provide inclusive and accessible learning environments that inspire confidence and encourage independence differently for each student.

TAC Fact Sheet: Issuing Testamurs and Statements of Attainment

This is the Fact Sheet issued by the Training Accreditation Council who are responsible for registering and regulating RTOs in Western Australia on Issuing Testamurs and Statements of Attainment.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

Institute in Educational Research (IIER) - reports and articles (site link)

Issues in Educational Research is a refereed academic research journal founded by the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research in 1991. From 1995, IIER has been published jointly by Australia's Institutes for Educational Research in New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia.

TAC: Webinar - Distance and Online Training & Assessment

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar designed to highlight the drivers of distance, online and blended training and assessment and the opportunities these modes of delivery offer RTOs - tempered by an awareness of associated risk.

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