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AiGroup: An Apprenticeship Model for the modern economy (2020)

Report outlines the essential elements of an apprenticeship model.

The Future is Here: Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Education

Recorded on 19/02/2024, attendee's Kickstarted their year with this #2023NVC session that was rated 4.75 stars out of five! Toby Jones explored emerging technologies and provided insights into how they can be leveraged to enhance the educational experience.

Standards for Training Packages (2022)

The Standards for Training Packages is one of three documents that form the Training Package Organising Framework to support the development of industry training packages.

Australian Government: Final Report of the 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (2021)

Final Report of the 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005.

AiGroup: 2022 Skills Survey: Listening to Australian businesses on skills and workforce needs (2022)

The 2022 Skills and Workforce Development Survey received 342 individual responses from representatives of a wide range of Australian companies. Together, these companies employ a total of 213,890 FTE employees. Responses covered a wide range of industry sectors and a range of small, medium and large enterprises.

Australian Government: Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System (2023)

The National School Reform Agreement (the agreement) is a joint agreement between the Commonwealth, States and Territories to lift student outcomes across Australian schools. In December 2022, Education Ministers agreed to establish a panel (the Expert Panel) to inform the next agreement.

Internal Review of Assessment example template

An example of a template that could be used for internally checking or reviewing the assessment tools to be used

ASQA: Strategic review of online learning - final report (2023)

The Strategic Review of Online Learning in the VET sector is identified as a regulatory risk priority in ASQA’s Regulatory Strategy 2020-22 and in the 2021-22 Regulatory Risk Priorities. ASQA uses a risk-based approach to determine the most significant risks to achieving ASQA’s purpose, which is to ensure quality VET and the integrity of national qualifications issued by training providers.

An integrative literature review of the implementation of micro-credentials in higher education: Implications for practice in Australasia (2021)

This paper reviews literature relevant to understanding connections between universities’ intent to offer micro-credentials and the environment that is needed to do so. From this integrated study, the paper distils a number of core concerns and identifies some gaps in the literature.

TAC: Webinar - Making an Assessment Decision

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar which provides RTOs with practical and specific information to support the use of assessment tools to gather good evidence, making valid assessment judgements with that evidence, and recording the evidence and outcomes

Australian Government: Jobs and Skills Summit - Materials (2022)

Materials related to the 2022 Jobs and Skills Summit. The Summit brought together Australians, including unions, employers, civil society and governments, to address our shared economic challenges.

Regional jobs 2022: the big skills challenge (2023)

This report analyses regional job vacancy data from both 2022 and from the last decade to present a view of the labour market challenges and opportunities in regional Australia.

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