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TAC: Webinar - Understanding Vocational Competence and Industry Currency

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar which will help to understand the concepts and apply simple processes in your RTO to make sure trainers and assessors meet the requirements for providing quality training and assessment to students.

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

The VCAA is a statutory authority primarily accountable to the Minister for Education, serving both government and non-government schools. The VCAA is also responsible to the Minister for Education and the Minister for Training and Skills in relation to sections of Part 2.5 of the Act that they administer.

IBSA: VET Practitioner Capability Framework (2013)

The VET Practitioner Capability Framework was developed by IBSA in association with the Commonwealth Government.

Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use Policy [template]

This policy template allows your RTO to ensure the guidelines can be front and centre to address how AI can be used with your staff and students.

ASQA: Accredited Course Content Template

ASQA website link to the Accredited Course Content Template for use by those submitting a new course for Accreditation

Delivery model for higher apprenticeships (2023)

Employers are realising that qualifications once regarded as only for tradespeople, today’s higher apprenticeships or degree apprenticeships, can offer mid-tier para-professional workers access to skills without forcing them to choose between retraining and income.

2023 Future of Work Outlook (2023)

This report aims to help organisations and their leaders with navigating through this complexity by identifying, and providing a high-level analysis on, the key trends and topics that will require attention throughout 2023, as well as proposing the critical questions that decision-makers need to be asking of themselves and their teams.

Department of Education

The Department of Education contributes to Australia's economic prosperity and social wellbeing by creating opportunities and driving better outcomes through access to quality education and learning.

ASQA: Spotlight On Assessment, Chapter 2 - Developing Assessment Tools

ASQA link to Spotlight On Assessment, Chapter 2 - Developing Assessment Tools which focuses on how to develop assessment tolls that align to the training package and get students workplace ready.

TAC: Fact Sheet: Training Product Equivalence

Fact sheet This Training Accreditation Council (TAC) fact sheet provides information on what equivalence means for national training products and what an RTO should do when a new version of a Training Package is released.

AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial Registration – Self Assessment Checklist for Applicants

A self assessment checklist to be used when applying for initial registration under the AQTF

Webinar Recording: Self-Assuring in Practice – Easy Peasey!

Recorded on 29/03/2023 this is the second webinar of the Self Assurance Series and was dedicated to unpacking Self Assurance practices. Explore ‘hands-on’ examples of how an RTO can enhance its existing practices and/or introduce new ones to enable self-assurance.

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