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ASQA Training Provider Briefings 2019 - Popular questions and answers

ASQA have provided a list of the most popular questions and answers provided at their 2019 Training Provider Briefings which you can access via this link.

VelgCast: Strategies for achieving Assessment Consistency

Explores strategies for achieving assessment consistency and steps involved in choosing the one that is right for your RTO

Advancing Prosperity - 5-year Productivity Inquiry report (2023)

The report is divided into 9 volumes: An overview document (volume 1) that presents the policy agenda; and inquiry content volumes (volumes 2–9) that explain in greater detail the reforms that make up the policy agenda, including a modelling appendix.

ASQA - Video - Assessing Under Simulation - SISFFIT003 Instruct Fitness Programs

This video has been developed by the national VET regulator to support providers in deciding how to best structure practical assessment under simulation.

VelgCast: Effective Complaints and Appeals system

An overview of the key features of an effective complaints and appeals system

Webinars: Australian Core Skills Framework (2014)

Videos (uploaded 2014) were produced for the previous version of the ACSF, but most information is still relevant.

Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework – A guide for Employers 2013

Australian Government publication providing an overview of the CSfW for employers relating to application and benefits

Australian Government: Disability Standards for Education 2005

These Standards are formulated by the Commonwealth Attorney-General under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the Act).

TAC: Webinar - RTO Governance - Driving Quality Through Good Business Practice

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar is appropriate for staff at executive level and staff involved with maintaining and ensuring quality systems related to the business practices of an RTO and its compliance with requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

ITECA: 2023 ITECA Pre-Budget Submission Independent Tertiary Education Priorities (2023)

To support the development of the 2023-24 Australian Government budget, the ITECA was asked to provide advice on spending priorities. With the great support of ITECA members in the international education sector, a comprehensive submission has been presented to government.

NCVER: Online delivery of VET qualifications: current use and outcomes (2019)

This research publication provides a contemporary view of how online learning is used to deliver complete qualifications in the Australian VET sector.

NCVER: Improving participation and success in VET for disadvantaged learners (2018)

A survey of registered training organisations and case studies found that the most successful strategies were focused around supporting disadvantaged learners needs to be an institutional-wide commitment, building strong relationships with employers and other service agencies within the community and customising the support to the individual.

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