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NCVER: Online delivery of VET qualifications: current use and outcomes (2019)

This research publication provides a contemporary view of how online learning is used to deliver complete qualifications in the Australian VET sector.

ITECA: 2023 ITECA Pre-Budget Submission Independent Tertiary Education Priorities (2023)

To support the development of the 2023-24 Australian Government budget, the ITECA was asked to provide advice on spending priorities. With the great support of ITECA members in the international education sector, a comprehensive submission has been presented to government.

NCVER: Improving participation and success in VET for disadvantaged learners (2018)

A survey of registered training organisations and case studies found that the most successful strategies were focused around supporting disadvantaged learners needs to be an institutional-wide commitment, building strong relationships with employers and other service agencies within the community and customising the support to the individual.

Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) (site link)

ADCET’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of the educational experiences and to the successful outcomes for students with disability in post-secondary education. Explore this website for resources, webinars, podcasts and learning materials.

Opportunities for career guidance in Australian schools (2024)

Research suggests that school-based career guidance is important for promoting further post-school study.

Australia’s opportunity: a skills and productivity agenda (2024)

An examination of the connection between skills development and productivity growth in Australia, this paper calls for a capability development agenda to address lagging productivity. It proposes a significant shift in education and training policy to enhance productivity by better aligning skills development with current and anticipated industry needs.

VelgCast: Validation of assessment

An overview of the requirements for RTOs relating to validation of assessment.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF): AQF Qualifications

AQF: link to an explanation of AQF qualification levels.

Work plan development process consultation paper (2023)

Engagement is central to the way we deliver our vision and legislated functions, this includes the approach used for developing our annual work plan. We want to hear from you on how we develop our annual work plan.

VelgCast: Dimensions of Competency

An overview on the Dimensions of Competency

Choosing a Consultant example template

An example template to assist in selecting a consultant that aligns with an RTO's specific consultancy needs

Sample: Bedford College – RPL Application Form

An example of an RPL application form

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