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Recruitment Checklist example template

A template example of a checklist that can be used to record and monitor the recruitment process

Duty Statement - Compliance Administrator example template

An example of a duty statement for an administrator role responsible for compliance relating to administration and record keeping

VelgCast: Validation of assessment

An overview of the requirements for RTOs relating to validation of assessment.

Sample: Bedford College – RPL Application Form

An example of an RPL application form

TEQSA: Student wellbeing

These resources provide the latest information on ensuring student wellbeing in higher education and how the Australian Government is addressing this issue.

VelgCast: Developing Structured Activity Tools - 4 Work Based Projects

This is the final part of a four-part VelgCast series on developing structured activity tools. This VelgCast focuses specifically on the activity known as 'Work Based Projects'.

VelgCast: Dimensions of Competency

An overview on the Dimensions of Competency

Choosing a Consultant example template

An example template to assist in selecting a consultant that aligns with an RTO's specific consultancy needs

ASQA: Chapter 3—Support and progression

This chapter focuses on how registered training organisations (RTOs) support students’ progression in their learning. This is the third phase of the student journey.

Queensland Audit Office: Investing in vocational education and training Report 1: 2019–20

This audit examined whether the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (the department) is achieving successful learning and employment outcomes through its public and private providers.

VelgCast: Developing Structured Activity Tools - 1 Role Play

This is the first of a four-part VelgCast series on developing structured activity tools. This VelgCast focuses specifically on the activity known as 'Role Play'.

VelgCast: Developing Structured Activity Tools - 2 Case Study

This is the second of a four-part VelgCast series on developing structured activity tools. This VelgCast focuses specifically on the activity known as 'Case Study'.

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