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VelgCast: Certification

This video provides an overview of certification.

ASQA: Amount of training

This guide aims to help providers understand amount of training. Amount of training refers to the anticipated amount of time students will need to undertake monitored, structured training activities to be prepared to undertake assessment.

VelgCast: Processing Transitioned Students

An overview of how to process transitioning students and guidance on the data required for entry into the student management system

National Federation Reform Council (NFRC)

The NFRC provides an opportunity for leaders and treasurers across the Commonwealth and states and territories to focus on priority national federation issues.

National Skills Agreement Overview (2023)

The National Skills Agreement is a 5-year agreement between the Australian, State and Territory Governments, working in partnership to ensure that the national vocational education and training (VET) system provides high-quality, responsive and accessible education and training to boost productivity, deliver national priorities and support Australians to obtain the skills and capabilities they need to obtain well-paid, secure jobs.

VelgCast: Developing Effective Assessment Questions - 2 Short Answer

This VelgCast is the second of a four-part series of VelgCasts focusing on the development of effective assessment questions and unpacks the features, benefits and limitations of short answer questions.

VelgCast: Developing Effective Assessment Questions - 3 True/False

This VelgCast is the third of a four-part series of VelgCasts focusing on the development of effective assessment questions and unpacks the features, benefits and limitations of true or false response questions.

Webinar Recording: Fearless RPL for Developers

Recorded on the 7 & 9 May these webinars were designed for those responsible for the development of RPL Assessment Tools and materials, and is made up of 2 x 60 minute webinars PLUS the Velg Training RPL Kit.

Industry-Based Literacy & Numeracy Quizzes

Take a quick quiz to learn what sort of problem-solving you'll do day-to-day as an Australian Apprentice.

Good Practice Guidelines for Engaging with People with Disability (2024)

These Guidelines are to assist you to engage with people with disability in an inclusive, respectful and appropriate way.

Industry-Based Literacy & Numeracy Quizzes

Take a quick quiz to learn what sort of problem-solving you'll do day-to-day as an Australian Apprentice.

Velg Training Learner Motivation Manual template

Use this Learner Motivation Manual as part of your RTO’s response to Standard 1.7, ‘Support learners’. This document is designed to encourage students throughout their learning journey, and to motivate them toward achieving their study goals with your RTO.

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