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Product: Co-Assessment Arrangements (Documentation)

Provided by VETNexus, this product includes a fully editable and customisable: Co-Assessment Procedure, Industry Supervisor Profile , Co-Assessment Matrix

Unit Mapping Matrix example template

A basic matrix template that can be used for mapping

VSA: Victorian Skills Plan for 2023 into 2024 (2023)

The Victorian Skills Plan for 2023 into 2024 was prepared by the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) and outlines Victoria’s jobs and skills outlook into 2026

Moderation Form example template (incl. explanatory notes moderation v validation)

A more comprehensive template example of a moderation form that could be used to record moderation activities

VelgCast: Credit Transfer 2 - Gathering Evidence

This Velg Cast looks at gathering essential evidence for the purpose of credit transfer and is the 2nd in a two part VelgCast series on credit transfer. For Part 1 see VelgCast Unpacking Credit Transfer.

QS: Higher Education Reports (site link)

QS offers high-quality research and industry reports produced by experts in the QS Research and Analytics division. Also see other resources available on the site.

VelgCast: Accredited Courses in VET

An overview of accredited courses in VET

English Australia: Webinar - Inclusive practices for learning differences (Part 2)

English Australia link to webinar, broadcast - 28/4/21. This webinar is the second of a two-part series on Diversity and Inclusion. It will focus on inclusive practices for students with learning differences, in particular: Practical strategies to use inside and outside the classroom; How teachers can adapt materials to aid inclusion

ERIC: Providing Deep Learning through Active Engagement of Adult Learners in Blended Courses (2014)

This paper discusses how active engagement is defined and determined, barriers that impact adult learners attempting to actively engage in learning, and various strategies to actively engage adult learners that directly align to the characteristics of the adult learning process, in a blended course.

Ready Set Upskill (2023)

This annual report series prepared by Deloitte Access Economics for RMIT Online analyses the current state of skills in Australia and the role of upskilling and reskilling in helping to meet demand for skills.

Australian Government: VET Student Loans Information Booklet

Australian Government link to The VET Student Loans Information Booklet which provides key information students applying for a VET Student Loan need to know. The topics covered include eligibility, applying for and managing your loan, as well as your rights and obligations.

SpringerOpen: Understanding fully online teaching in vocational education (2020)

The purpose of this small study was to contribute an understanding of pedagogy within the combined yet potentially disparate teaching contexts of online education and VET in Australia.

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