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Velg Training Validation Requirements at a Glance

An overview of the validation requirements to meet Clauses 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and where applicable Clause 1.25 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Record of Industry Engagement Regarding TAS example template

A template example of one way that industry engagement about the training and assessment strategy could be recorded

SSA: LLN Tips for Trainers and Assessors

A Service Skills Australia (SSA) tool for Trainers and Assessors that can be used to assess, identify and provide LLN support to learners

2024 Global Human Capital Trends (2024)

The 2024 Global Human Capital Trends research reveals that a focus on the human factor is emerging as the bridge between knowing what shifts are shaping the future of work and doing things to make real progress toward putting them into action to create positive outcomes.

VelgCast: Credit Transfer 1 - Unpacking Credit Transfer

This VelgCast looks at unpacking the requirements behind issuing credit for a previously awarded unit of competency and is the 1st in a two part VelgCast series on credit transfer. For part 2 please see VelgCast Credit Transfer - Gathering Evidence.

TAC - Internal Audit webinar (2023)

This three part series considers the ‘why’, ‘when’, ‘who’ and’ how’ of conducting an RTO internal audit. Join our TAC webinar for guidance and discussion on areas of focus for an internal audit, and how to use internal audit outcomes to evaluate the RTO performance.

Sample: TAFE SA Assessment Policy and Procedures 2010

An example of assessment policy and procedures

Sample: Federation University VET Assessment Procedure

An example of a VET assessment procedure

Sample: Federation Uni VET Assessment Policy

An example of a VET assessment policy

VelgCast: Assessing Competence in VET

An overview of assessing competence in VET

DTWD RPL Assessment Tool Kit example template

A template RPL Assessment Tool Kit developed by Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) Western Australia

Duty Statement - Administrative Assistant example template

An example of a duty statement for an administrator assistant role responsible for assisting administrative record keeping

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