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RPL Solutions: RPL – A Practitioner’s Guide 2015

An RTO Solutions publication that provides a platform for the PD of RPL assessors

VelgCast: Formative vs Summative Assessment

An overview of the meaning of and purpose behind using Formative and Summative assessment techniques

VelgCast: NRT Logo

An overview of appropriate use of the NRT Logo for certification, marketing and reproduction.

TAC: Webinar - Managing RTO Complaints and Appeals

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar provides guidance on how to successfully manage complaints through the implementation of an effective complaint handling system and appeals processes.

Avetra: Moving beyond training packages: first steps (2019)

Training packages are central to the practice of vocational education and training (VET) in Australia. In the context of debate about the future of VET, questions must be asked about the role of training packages in any transformation.

Student Competency Tracking Sheet template example 1

A Template that may be used to record a student’s results from against a Unit of Competency

Marketing and Advertising Policy example template

An example template for a Marketing and Advertising Policy

Sample: Credit for Prior Studies Policy template

An example of a credit transfer policy template

Application for Credit Transfer template

An example template for application for credit transfer

Change in how unit codes are allocated in VET accredited courses

ASQA has recently released a change in how unit codes are allocated in VET accredited courses. The change will be applied to VET accredited course applications received from 1 September 2019. Click here to access further information.

NCVER: Data Support Bulletin

The Data Support Bulletin is produced on a regular basis with the aim of providing updates on our products, including AVETMISS publications, the AVETMISS Validation Software and the Data Entry Tool.

Complaints and Appeals Policy example template

An example template for a Complaints and Appeals Policy

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